regrouping & more babies

I still have felt rather blue today.
Everyone has that special "something" that they can do to re centre themselves. A special treat that restores their Zen and balances the old yin and yang (!) , may be a relaxing bath, a quadruple whiskey....pneumatic sex...a long sleep......trashy food.......whatever it is, it is necessary to make sure you indulge in before you feel as though you are going slightly bonkers.
For me, it is always trip to the cinema, and because I was feeling ever so slightly maudlin today AND it was raining, I thought a trip to a movie would be appropriate.
So what was on at the scala? The Prince of soddin Persia, Sex and the cruddy city 2 and the bag of laughs Bad bog all I had to resort to plan B and went to Llandudno (above) for a mooch around the book shops and a proper coffee.

If I cannot get into a movie, a proper coffee, and the smell of a bookshop is usually just enough to make me feel "normal" The coffee shop in Waterstones bookshop in Llandudno is of course one of those plastic chain cafes, but the coffee is passable, the service by the verbally challenged teenage staff is just this side of ok and the books always are on hand.

I treated myself to two cups of coffee and read a few chapters of Nevil Shute's Pied Piper (Thank you to my father-in-law for the birthday book token)....hummm I know I looked all Bohemian and pretentious, sat there with my coffee and a book....but for a hour or so I could pretend I was Carrie Bradshaw and was content with my short "urban" break.

Nevil Shute, is a very readable author. His stories are simply told and organised and although they seem rather old fashioned now, they are a cracking good read. Pied Piper is a kind of adventure story in the Inn of the Sixth Happiness vein. It concerns an elderly English gentleman who is caught in France at the start of the war. Before the fall of the country he continually finds himself entrusted with a succession of children and the novel chronicles their attempt to escape to Britain.

I got home at 4pm more like my normal self and was just in time to catch a visitor to the Churchyard who pointed out some frenetic Magpie activity around the broody boxes. Lilly the buff was still firmly sat on her eggs, but was growling fiercely at the two magpies that were stood right outside her hutch door, obviously wanting to shift her from her nest. I took a quick look and there underneath her were two small black chicks. I have now moved the entire box into the shed, where mother and chicks will be safe. Kate Winslett and her single white chick, Constance seem to be doing well, safely in their closed coop.


  1. My lady has liked to read Nevil Shutes books too. If I'm feeling out of sorts I like to eat a good peppermint or two!

  2. Good choice - to go to the book store, those movies would not have dealt with your mood, except maybe make it worse.

    Lucky you got home in time to save your chicks!

    You'll be right as rain when Chris gets back!

  3. Bad Lieutenant-New Orleans was surprisingly good.
    Not something to watch to help your mood though.

  4. Glad you're feeling better John. Sounds like you had a nice day with a couple of cups of coffee and a good read. I think that's a book I shall have to look sounds like it's right up my alley! Thank heavens the remaining chicks are doing well and the broody girls are safe and sound with their little families. Hope you have another good day tomorrow. Take care...Maura:)

  5. Neville Shute, the quintessentially modern novelist who could build convoluted plots and interweaving story lines - "In the Wet", "No Highway", "A town Like Alice", "The Far Country", "Requiem for a Wren", and, of course, "On the Beach". I could lose myself so easilly in his writings.

  6. Loved the film with the great Monty Woolley.

  7. when I need to find myself I head into the kitchen. I stand in the exact spot each time, sort of centering myself in my sanctuary, really quiet, in a meditation state of sorts.

    Then I chop, cleave, and cook the hell out of something, and all is well.


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