A surprise trip to the vets and mother love

It's been a funny old day.
I was due to attend a study day at work that covered health and safety issues as well as a resuscitation update, but found out when I arrived at work ( all clean and tidy I have you all know) that half the day had been cancelled.
The dogs had gone to our neighbours for the day, and as I was all smart and human looking, I decided to take a drive and complete all those outstanding jobs that I had let slide.
I went up to the feed wholesalers to buy chick crumbs.The owner, Helen, seemed to be that surprised to see me so smart that she asked me if I was going to church or as she wryly added "court!"
I then delivered some posters advertising the village Flower Show as well as handing out others publicizing the allotment open on August the first and my next proposed "Chicken keeping for beginners course"
After that, I called at the stone masons to have Maddie's gravestone engraved, then on impulse I called into a local vet surgery to see what they had to offer the dogs and Albert.
The surgery I had picked is small and run by only one vet. The practice looked clean and tidy and the practice nurse, who looked remarkably like Nicole Kidman from Dead Calm , was all pert and friendly. Rather proudly, she informed me that she was a trained dog psychologist and we chatted at length about the recent spat between William and George, Of course I felt comfortable registering the dogs and Albert with her.....after all you don't meet a movie star every day.

When I left, I literally bumped into a woman coming through the gate and would you believe it. she was carrying an elderly black Scottie that was the spit of Maddie. The suddenness of the situation took me completely unawares and as I stopped to say "hello" my eyes promptly filled with tears. The woman was very kind, clearly she could see I was upset but kept the conversation light as she described her pet's eyesight problems and personality. Her bitch was called Lassie (of all things) and she was 11 and as I reached out to touch her head, the dog ducked away exactly the same as Maddie would have done. The experience wrenched my guts out
I cried all the way back to the hospital when I left them.
I guess it had to come. Anyhow things are fine now. I completed my resuscitation study day (enrolling the course leader on my chicken course too) then came home to check on Lilly and Kate Winslet's new chicks.
Compared with the hybrid mothers I have had, the two buffs are incredibly more protective over their babies. So much so, that I only just managed to snap a couple of "distant" shots of them all before the growling got all a bit much.
Chris is still in Canada and is due back on Saturday..it's been a long week without him around
After the jobs are done and the animals are settled for the night I aim to sit down and watch the dvd HAPPY ENDINGS.


  1. Oh, I am so happy you have found a vet! I hope this one is a good one, for sure.
    Sorry about the incident with "Lassie", but was probably good for you. Nothing Like a good cry to help the healing.
    Hey, it's Thursday, already! Chris will be home in two days. Life should brighten up then.
    Have a good evening and enjoy your movie.


  2. Ahh..I am so sorry that your memories still make you cry. I had my own "Maddie" and she was 16.
    The best little dog in the world, as my children would also agree.
    I still cry thinking of what an incredible pal and family member she was. It's been 7 years....I feel for you too.

  3. Well, given your love of movies, I think the fact that the nurse looked like Nichole Kidman is a very good sign. I know that the pain of losing Maddie is sharp right now, but I think that good cry was a step in the right direction.

  4. My lady has dreams of her dear little dog, Eddie, who died eight years ago. She dreams he is lost and she is calling and calling for him. I'm glad you've found a new doctor and hope you feel better about Maddie soon. Having a nice stone to sit by helps us here.

  5. We've put a special song on our blog for you and Maddie.

  6. Hope this vet is more compassionate than the last one....hey, you can't lose....after all, Nicole works there too!
    Gee, maybe Chris will sound 'Canadian' when he returns.

  7. Glad you have found another vet. Here's hoping things will turn out good for you. I didn't know hens "growled?"

    Gill in Canada

  8. I still miss my Lloyd. It's been years, and our dog Clifford is a fine dog, but I still miss my Lloyd.

    I'm glad Chris is coming home soon. You need a big hug.

  9. my vets is a small one man clinic & his mum is the receptionist who cried with me when Sam died.
    We do use a larger practise too as Sam had to see an eye specialist for glaucoma but the small one suits me as it's in the village.

    He started off just making house calls as he had no surgery & called himself " The Flying Vet " but he has a lovely surgery now. You can see his consultation room from the pavement so we often see puppies in there.

    When Sam went for his last visit we were in a private room so no one could see.


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