Lawrence of my labia

Humm where shall I begin?
Ok lets concentrate on the good bits:

1. Liza Minnelli's legs..which are fabulous and can still dance with the best of them (don't dare look at her mummified face though)
2. A funny and oh so non PC clip of a pair of bouncing boobies
3 A 3 minute , pithy and rather amusing interaction about motherhood between Miranda and a rapidly inebriated Charlotte.

...and that....I am afraid is it!

Sex and the City 2 centres it target neuroses away from the single girls' love and career lives and directly directs its designer attention to marriage, motherhood (avec nannies of course) and also unwisely centres most of the action away from New York, takes an ugly side swipe at the traditional Muslim lifestyle and embarrassingly ends up with the girls escaping the clutches of some irate Arabic men by wearing the hijab.

The movie is a bit of a mess .

Now this is a shame, for hidden away amid the dross, the sparkling fairytale that was the tv Sex and The City could just be seen lurking underneath the surface of this movie. SATC2 lacks its old charm! it also lacks Carrie's trademark squealing ( we only hear it once!), the razor sharp breakfast table banter and Miranda's hidden warmth.....and strangely enough it is left to Charlotte (Kristin Davis) to nab the best acting honours, when she has a breakdown when trying to hard to be the ideal Stepford wife. least all the girls looked their ages.....................SATC3?.......please set it back in New York, give it more pathos and pace,include steve,Magna and a pair of manola Blahniks and perhaps ( and only perhaps) I will give it one last chance
ps. this blog's title refers to Samantha's "best " line........... sigh


  1. sigh... I had heard it was NOT good!

  2. And I liked your revised title for the movie!

  3. Glad I didn't see the movie....never liked the TV show. Sarah Jessica Parker gets under my skin for some reason....I don't believe her. Oh well, I'm used to being in the minority.

  4. The title cracked me up!

  5. I used to watch Sex and The City occasionally, but have missed both of the movies.

    Now, I don't feel like I missed anything...thank you.

  6. You should have stayed at home and watched HAPPY ENDINGS.

  7. won't bother with it then...but then I wasn't going to anyway !

  8. Hi John, found a little uk contest you might be interested in

    loved your bunny story, good luck, peace

  9. I hated the tv show, so I can't imagine liking any of the movies. Plus, I can't stand what's-her-face...the one married to Matthew Broderick. I gotta admit though, the labia thing got my attention. I've been going around the house singing "Who's That Lady," but with Labia instead.

  10. Well, maybe I'm in the minority, but I used to love the SATC TV shows. I haven't watched the movies, just haven't had time these days. Now maybe I wont, I don't want to ruin the memories!


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