Pet hates

Well it starts today.
Media hype; an excuse to drink to excess in cheap Wetherspoon pubs, the usual disappointment when England gets kicked out of the quarter finals and white van men from all over the country indulging in some pointless male bonding.......
Yeap the bloody world cup kicks off yet again.
Already those naff plastic Flags of St George can be heard rattling noisily on top of a huge selection of tatty vans and cars and although here in Wales, I think the numbers are thankfully lower than they would be in say Sheffield. my opinion of them and the competition itself remains pretty low.
The blue collar culture of football fanaticism is something that has always baffled me. I cannot think of anything worse than being trapped in a testosterone filled pub or front room with a hoard of loud drunks and a plasma screen tv.
I just don't do tribal
I cannot see the appeal.
My best friend Mike is a big footie fan, and the environment I have just described, he adores with a passion. I did go to a football match with him once over at Leppings Lane in Hillsborough, and found the die hard fans and crowds just a little intimidating....Having said this we did used to go the Ice hockey and basket ball matches in the early late 1990s and I yelled my support with the best of them.
What is it about football that turns me into Margot Ledbetter I wonder?
Who knows? is a question that I dont fancy thinking about at 7.15 am after an early morning dog a couple of weeks time the whole World cup will be over ( probably earlier for the English team if past exploits have any indication) and those bloody awful cheapo flags will be consigned to land fill

The morning news is that Kitty one of the American turkeys has met her end hidden away in a far flung nest within the hawthorn bushes.
Last night she went missing, and I suspected that she had taken herself off to a new nest in the hedgerows. Despite a long search there was no sign of her, so I was not surprised when Albert pointed out a large pile of brown feathers at the bottom of the field

we followed the feathers out through the badger run (the badgers have a clearly defined trail leading through the hedge and across the lane into the fields beyond) and what ever had taken Kitty had carried the heavy bird up and out of my field and away. Whether it was a fox or a badger who knows, but it is unfortunate that the stupid bird hid herself away.
She was not the only victim in the night. Something has dug out the baby rabbits from their shallow burrow from beneath the parsnips......


  1. Holy jeepers! What the heck goes on around your place? What keeps you from 'packing it in' as far as raising chickens and turkeys goes? You must be hooked.
    I'm with you on the whole football thing. All that ruckus! Ouch!

  2. I am going with the flow as it were! last night's pretator was a badger ( a local farmer told me this morning)

  3. Well, maybe the badger has babies of its own to feed.

    That sports stuff really confounds me. I don't even get frantic over the Kentucky Derby, and I've been crazy about horses since I was little.

  4. Ahhh, badgers, something we don't have to contend with around here (although we have enough else!)

    My Scottish father-in-law will be glued to the TV for the duration of the World Cup, but that crap drives me nuts. Don't get me started on how our local rag gives six pages of coverage to sports (we're talking about a tiny, two-section newspaper), but didn't bother doing a story on our annual and very good art show! One of the staff actually admitted the paper doesn't care about the arts. Obviously.

  5. No football to be watched in this house - not interested.
    Sorry aboutyour turkey & the leetle bunnies

  6. I have less than any interest in foot ball. My husband is a nut for it (and ANY sport) - I simply spend a lot of time away from him and the tube.

    Sorry about your idiot turkey and the bunnies. Some days the food chain sucks. :(

  7. As a family, we HATE the bloody football & I hate those stupid flags too! Why does the nation only get patriotic over footy? xxxxxxxx

  8. Sorry to hear about the badger getting the ol' girl. Food chain going on I suppose. Still sad though.
    As for the soccer/football, not a fan here either. Personally I think all professional sports are over rated, over indulged and over paid. jmho.

  9. I hate things like this but then it's reality when we live in the country. So far we've only lost one chicken to predators. Sorry to hear you lost your turkey John and the little bunnies too. It's sure been a tough couple of weeks for you hasn't it. My dear hubby and I feel the same way you do about sports...can't see the use in sitting watching people run around when we could be doing something outside ourselves. Oh well to each his own I guess. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Take care....Maura :)

  10. I must admit that I am a football fan, but I do agree with you about the laddish behaviour of the majority of footie fans, I would much rather watch it in the comfort of my own home, than down the pub with a bunch of loud mouthed druks!! Sorry to hear about your turkey, I know how upset my sister gets when she loses one of her chicken/ducks/geese/goats/cats/dogs etc etc!! (By the way, my sister runs the Completely Quackers Blog)

  11. I can't believe all the death and killing in your little place, its never ending at the moment.

    One of the downsides of owning animals I suppose. However the joy they give you makes up for it doesn't it?

    Gill in Canada

  12. Badgers-don't have them here, I don't think, but we do have a ton of foxes and bobcats in my area. Last year a fox ate every single one of my chickens in one night.


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