
The images on the internet never fail to amuse me ( I found these in a two minute troll!......however the above family photo does worry me just a little...but hey ho
I am tired of bad news, dead animals and predators........ and am in need of a good belly laugh.

Not quite the desired humour level here...I need a good belly laugh me thinks


  1. Oh, dear, I think the family in the pink suits need some counseling! The pug in the bunny suit is cute, but I don't believe he cares. Now, I really like the pepper, that's pretty silly! Hmm, hot dogs........
    Maybe I am too somber tonight. Sorry.
    Chris will be home tomorrow! That should be making you ready to really crack a smile!

  2. The 'bunny' family doesn't know what's ahead for them!
    Yes, it's time to laugh again. I learned yesterday at Yoga that even if a laugh is forced, it still has all the benefits of a genuine laugh. So, there you go!

  3. ooh! That family! Tee hee.

  4. I like the pug, and the pepper. I'm afraid that the other two just don't tickle my fancy. Sigh, I hate to admit it, but, I'm more into cute.

  5. My Daddy laughs all the there!

  6. I laughed John...and I agree with Sharon that the family in pink needs counceling LOL! The strange things we can find on the interenet. I hope you get your belly laugh soon..we can all use one of those as often as we can get it. Have a wonderful weekend! Maura :)

  7. I got a good chuckle out of this: even when I saw it without the pictures...

    I hope it helps!

  8. needed that laugh to start my day....and I have a question off subject.
    Seems after buying some (75) chicks from a hatchery..I have gotten such a wide variety of ornamental and exotic chicks, I want to know what type each are now!! I wonder if you know of a book, that contains good info and photo of chicken varieties. I find all sorts, but seems I want a pretty detailed and wide variety of listed.
    point me in a email.


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