Open allotment day, pig and gosling news

Some of the friends and helpers at my First Allotment open 2008

Open Allotment day
At the Trelawnyd Church Glebe at
Bwythyn-y-Llan, Cwm Road
1pm onwards on August 1st
Admission £1.50

(proceeds to Trelawnyd Church funds)
(tea and homemade cake included)
Vegetable produce
Stalls, allotment tours

The above is the rough template for my poster for this year's open allotment day. We have held an open day for the past two years and each time it has been well supported by villagers and friends and family alike. The money raised goes to the Church, but more importantly the whole day fosters good relationships and it, I am reliably informed, an old fashioned and enjoyable afternoon out.

This year I am already conscripting family and friends as volunteers for the day. Chris and my sister will be manning the most popular cake and tea stall (admission gets each person a cuppa and a home made cake). My aunt Judy and her sister Bridget have been "bullied" into helping them whilst my elder sister ( and hopefully my sister in law and Brother) will be manning the gate and produce stall.

Friend Geoff hopefully will be all practical and helping me set up the tents, tables chairs and bunting and already I have had kind offers of cake and scone making from some of the ladies of the village.This week I will ask for a few more cake making volunteers and already neighbours Arfon and Della have kindly potted up plants to be sold on the produce stall. People are very kind

When I called down to my aunt's to ask her to help she had some good news for me. Recently she had visited her sister Bridget who lives near Peterbrough and Bridget took her for a day out at Hammerton Animal park , where they visited my old pigs Gladys and Nora! I was made up to hear that the two girls are doing very well's a very small world sometimes isnt it?

I am feeling rather spaced sleep after night now for another cup of coffee, and another surreptitious peek into the incubator. The goslings are starting their pipping, and a few days early the eggs are starting to crack!


  1. sounds like such a lovely community you have there John

  2. Kathy
    there are a few sows ears amongst the purses!!!!

  3. It sounds like you have all your ducks in a row! (sorry, bad pun) I bet it will be a huge success!

    Cracking out, huh? Oh, joy, more babies!!! Can't wait for the pictures!

    (Sneak a nap)


  4. Good Morning John...well early evening to you! What a wonderful little village you have there and such nice people. Sounds like a fun thing to do and makes for a wonderful day for all. Good luck with that and your new hatchlings! Take care....Maura :)

  5. I would love to live where you make it sound so neat.

  6. This sounds smashing John.
    Someone else is spaced out in this house - Jess back from the festival. When Pink Zorbed over the crowd, she went right over Jess's head & knocked her over !

  7. Poster graphics look great - very John Boy Walton! :))

  8. Goslings, how wonderful! Good luck with allotment day; the poster is great.

  9. What a good way to get everyone together. Lot's of hard work, I bet. I can't wait to see the baby goslings.

  10. I have been unbelieveably busy lately, and playing catch up on other blogs is hard, not to mention just posting on my own. With that being said, congrats on the baby gooses. Hope all goes well with them. And as funny as that family photo is, I must say, I too, think it's quite disturbing. What is that little girl grabbing daddy's yahoo?!

  11. I love the whole idea of Open Allotment Day. I've never been to anything like that.

  12. This sounds like an episode of The Vicar of Dibley....Did I see Geraldine in that photo? Swear i did!

  13. You are one busy guy John!! If I was there I'd offer to make a cake for you too--I make a killer chocolate cake with fudge frosting and then there's my famous white cake with carmel icing~~Delicious!! I look forward to seeing and reading about your new arrivals!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I had to delete my comment due to clumsy fingers.

    Anyway, I meant to say, thank you for your nice comment about my clean barn. Having read your blog, I now know that I am (gulp) a broody hen when it comes to my horses.

  16. Stepford sounded like quite a nice village too...

  17. when you visit bel, then you can comment

  18. Big open spaces, cream teas and community spirit...hardly my natural habitat darling.


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