Turkey Lurve

I have spent 6 hours clearing weeds and strimming the whole of the untidy bits of the field, which has been an exhausting but satisfying job. If I can keep on top of the now rapidly growing grass, then I won't have to work too hard when it comes to the last minute preparations before the allotment open.
At 2pm, knackered and hot I had a break to eat my lunch with Boris (above) and shared my bagel with him. I could have quite happily fallen asleep with my head resting on his back!

The goslings have hatched ! So far, out of the six eggs two ungainly clumsy babies have flopped untidily out of their shells. I will bob the other remaining eggs tomorrow to see if I will have any latecomers, but as I cannot hear any further piping, I suspect the other eggs are duds.
The goslings are huge and incredibly sweet. I hope they do ok.

I took a few minutes off this afternoon, to deliver some posters to the lady that oversees the village notice board. The Trelawnyd conservation group seem to have been busy as the empty flower beds have all been planted up outside of the pensioner bungalows.
They have done a good job of it all


  1. I really wish I could do the work that you do, John! I just don't see how you get so much done! Boris does indeed look comfortable.

    The goslings are here, well two out of six isn't really all that bad. Maybe a couple are just taking a rest when you listen. ???

    The flower beds at the pensioners look nice, volunteers do this for them?

  2. That gosling is just so cute. I'll enjoy watching them grow up. Hope that they stay sweet.

    I, too, wish I could work like you do. However, I'm just too big a fritterer. I am a real pro at wasting time.

  3. Ahhh, the gosling is soooo cute.
    You are brave, brave, brave putting your head next to Boris. As you know turkeys scare me so that pic of you and Boris made me shiver.
    I hope the other eggs hatch. Maybe they are gearing up for their break out! :)

  4. My Bourbon red toms are tame and sweet like that but I could never lay my head on them....they are humpers! If they can get up close they will try and hump your leg like some deranged dog...I keep wondering if other peoples turkeys do that or if I am just that lucky....

  5. Hello John...what a lovely turkey Boris is! Sounds as though you've had a busy but satisfying day out in the yard...bet you sleep good tonight. Aww the goslings are so cute...I wonder if we'll have goslings one day?! Looking forward to seeing more pictures of yours. Have a wonderful evening! Maura :)

  6. Oh my goodness! Boris is gorgeous!

    Good luck with the goslings.

  7. Now, that Boris is a character! Never knew turkeys were approachable.

  8. Boris is MAGNIFICENT! I so want a turkey. And the gosling is adorable.

  9. Boris was hand reared,so we bonded when he was 4 inches high!!!

  10. Boris is lovely but...I think you need a squooshy and soft Boer goat to rest your head on! I'm not letting my lady see that baby goose! She'll want geese next!

  11. That baby is just too sweet, love it.

  12. Hello again John! I didn't know whether to answer you on my blog or yours so just in case you don't get back to mine soon I figured I'd just hop on over here. Heck I wish I had advice to give you about raising goslings but we only got our little ones this past spring so haven't had a lot of experience. One thing for sure (you probably already know this though) is NOT to feed them medicated chick feed that you give the chicks. You may not give your chicks the medicated feed but if you do make sure the goslings can't get to it. Not sure what it does but we were told that it can cause problems with wobbly legs or something to that affect. I looked it up once but I have a mind like a seive and can't remember the details...sorry. Once our goslings were big enough to stick up for themselves against the chickens and the rooster we put them in with the chickens and they eat layer pellets. I love my geese..they certainly are different from chickens in their personalities...they're pretty bossy and loud but what characters they are! Enjoy yours and if you learn something new about raising them let me know ok. Take care. Maura :)

  13. Turkey Lurve...I thought you were going to sing a Celine Dion song...she says 'lurve' all the time...

  14. Have you ever seen "the truth about cats and dogs"?
    it's about a radio pet psychologist...

    I remember she said to one phone caller
    "you can love your dog...just dont lurrrrvvvveee,your dog"

  15. fabulous photo! (bluntly said)

  16. Well, you certainly looked cozy and peaceful with your head on Boris' backside! lol
    Sweet lil' goslings!!

  17. Boris is huge! And apparently, tame enough to hang with you and share lunch, huh?
    The baby goosie is precious.
    My incubator malfunctioned last weekend, we have fixed it, and I hope the blip didn't hurt my turkey eggs. They are due to hatch in 12 days if my calculations are correct(and if the momma didn't hide those eggs under her longer than we thought)

  18. I love Boris! I've heard that domestic turkeys are stupid - is that true??? Is Boris friendly? I really have been thinking of getting turkeys recently!

    The goslings are adoarable!!!


  19. I thik goslings are the cutest of all baby poultry, its the shape of their little fluffy heads. Gorgeous.
    But don't tempt me with geese its bad enough telling myself no turkeys, no turkeys, no turkeys.


  20. lynn boris IS friendly but only with me...he hates chris with a passion.....


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