My name is Nanette Newman

Speaking of The Stepford Wives......I seem to have metamorphosed into Nanette Newman this morning.....all I need is a frilly apron and a vacant stare....( ok ok I already have a frilly apron!)
I have been the ideal "wife" this morning. Chris has had a very hard week at work and looked shattered last night. So this morning I took the dogs out early, Popped to the garage and bought him the Saturday broadsheets and gave him the papers and breakfast in bed
I managed to curb the urge to start humming as I lightly flicked a feather duster over the top of the paintings in the living room, and the bright yellow washing up gloves are still lying on the garden wall ( I had used them yesterday to help me pull up nettles from the back garden border) ......I am sat here at the kitchen table with butter from a bagel dripped all down my front and a pair of pants on that are covered with chicken I guess I am still not quite the trophy partner.......just yet
ps and to all those geeks out there I KNOW it is a photo of Katherine Ross


  1. Oh I giggled! I'm a self confessed stepford wife! Dearly Beloved is waited on hand and foot and he is in charge, by negotiation of course and is my choice! It works for us!

  2. he he - I sometimes think I should get changed out of my dog walking clothes for supper ! Actually if I've been gardening & it's hot I do bath or shower & change & then I do feel like a Sstepford wife -though I haven't got to the stage of handing cocktails & slippers yet !

  3. you are funny, don't ever change!!

    Gill in Canada

  4. No! No! Nanette!

    Don't change. You'll ruin it for the rest of us slobs! Breakfast in bed???? Unheard of.......

  5. ooh you are awful.....but I like you! xxx

  6. LOL John you make me laugh...I'm trying to picture you in a frilly apron delivering breakfast in bed to Chris! He's a lucky fellow. You two have a wonderful day with your furry and feathered friends...take care. Maura :)

  7. Hah! Well someone's got to do it. You just have too much energy. Hope Chris appreciated the breakfast in bed.

  8. Photo of you in frilly apron please!!

  9. Oh yes, photo please in apron !lol What a good partner you if you are pooped after your hard working week at home? Sue x

  10. Yes, a photo of you in your frilly apron.
    You are very sweet and thoughtful to bring Chris breakfast in bed.
    Quite the catch you are!! :)

  11. You made him breakfast in bed and he's not sick & dying? Oh, you are a true gem!

  12. My husband looks mighty handsome when he cooks.

  13. Surreal, truly surreal....

  14. well, aside from the chicken poo pants, I say you are a marvelous Stepford wife!


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