Sunday Snaps,a letter, teen thugs and goose updates

I am sat at the kitchen table with the first (and best) cup of coffee of the day. I have changed the usual LBC talk radio chatter over to Classic FM and in front of me is a vase of cut roses from the garden. (Chris sighs every time I bring flowers into the house and grumbles "there are more soddin' flowers inside the house than there is in the garden!"

This morning ( a fine clear day) you get a true blast waft of the scent of honeysuckle as you come around the front of the cottage, so much so, that two early walkers stopped by the gate just to "sniff"
A day or so I received a neat hand written letter with a local post mark. Not too unusual an occurrence, you might say, but in this age of email and text, had written letters seem to be a rarity and I may add , a little bit of a treat.
As it turned out, the letter was in reply to the lengthy one I sent to the vets after Maddie's death, and on reflection I think it actually mirrored mine by being measured, thoughtful
and in the main constructive.

Of course my concerns over Maddie's treatment were countered just as I expected they would have been, but my other points regarding communication issues and my lack of confidence in the practice itself, were acknowledged, and for that I was strangely grateful.

The time and effort it has taken to reply to my complaint has been therapeutic in itself.
Anyhow, over to more frivolous issues. The 10 young hens that were chicks only 11 weeks ago have formed themselves into a tight knit little group that resemble Ronald Searle's illustrations of the St Trinian Schoolgirls.
Led by a couple of immature and posturing males, the "gang" swagger around the lower part of the field like teenagers at the top of town! If there were a couple of tin cans around I am sure that they would be kicked, as the ten of them look as though they are up to no good for most of the time.
Only when the lead cockerel Stanley wanders around to give them a rather blank "once over" do the gang melt away into the grass to hide, before re appearing with that slightly bored "whatever" kind of attitude.
Winnie and Jo, seem to be doing ok in the hot house of the shed. Winnie is more robust than his/her sibling, but both seem to be doing ok. Readers that have raised goslings before may be able to give me some pointers about the specifics of gosling care.....I wonder if they are slightly more delicate than the Indian runner ducklings I am more used to. They seem to spend 90% of their time running around in hysterical circles and shitting on their own webbed feet!

Right...the coffee cup has been drained and I need to take the dogs out before the heat of the day becomes too unbearable...Hope everyone has a nice Sunday


  1. Hi John, just been catching up with your new look blog, very clean and modern looking, I like it. Also your front door looks a bit like mine at this time of the year, - difficult to get into, but wonderful too.

  2. I am down to one penpal now that actually writes a letter, the rest is done by emails. Letter writing is a dying art nowadays.

    I too enjoy the look of your blog now, I forgot to comment on it, sorry.

    Gill in Canada

  3. Good Sunday to you John!
    I am glad the Vet's office wrote to you. I can very well imagine what the contents of the letter were.
    The peeps no longer look like peeps at all! Good looking bunch!
    Winnie and Jo seem to be growing along quite nicely! At what age do you set them out with the rest of the crowd?
    It seemed odd, that as I finally shut off my computer last night, you had daybreak, I never noticed it before. These are the last days, that will be so long, and soon they will begin to shorten.
    Enjoy your day!

  4. Please send a bit of warmth across here, it's bloody freezing! xxx

  5. I'm glad the vets wrote back and gave you, if not peace of mind, then at least a well-thought-out response.

    The goslings continue to be adorable and ooh, look at those former chicks! We're getting six more chicks next month and I'm looking forward to it, although I have yet to figure out the integration process (I understand you do that when the chicks are adolescents.)

    I like the new blog design!

  6. I'm very glad that the vets wrote back. Love the honeysuckle. It looks like the kind that we had growing against our front porch when I was a kid.

  7. Good Morning John (afternoon to you)! I'm glad the vet clinic sent you a least they had the gumption to reply. Your 'chicken gang' sounds like mine! Every once in a while the 'head honcho' Romeo will chase one of the cockrels all over the barnyard with the little fellow hollering his head off as he runs for his life. Chickens are funny. I don't have much to tell you about raising geese as I've only just had mine since the end of March. They certainly have more personality compared to most of my chickens but they are you've found out LOL! Every evening I have to round the two of mine up and pick up Percy and carry him to the barn...shut the door and then go corral Priscilla and bring her in too. I'm amazed at how heavy and pudgy Percy is...but I guess that's to be expected as the African geese were bred for meat. We certainly WON'T be eating our two! Enjoy your sweeties...give them a cuddle for me..thank you! Maura ;)

  8. Well, at least the vet did acknowledge your letter and responded instead of leaving you hanging whether they were going to say anything or not. Closure for you.
    The goslings are getting so big.
    Mmmmm, the sweet smell of honeysuckle. When I was a kid I would pull the flowers off the vine and suck the nectar out through the bottom. Yes, I got into trouble, but didn't stop me for too long.
    Yes, hand written letters are very close to being in that bygone era of yesteryear.

  9. Happy Father's Day to you on the grand care you provide to your flock, gaggle, and pack! Was chuckling over your post about the parking space snafu. HA!

  10. Just wanted to say Good Morning, Happy Fathers Day! from your over the pond.....sistah! LOL

  11. Just wanted to say Good Morning, Happy Fathers Day! from your over the pond.....sistah! LOL

  12. Loving the photo of Winnie & Jo. Sue x x

  13. G'day,

    I'm so pleased the vet took the time to reply - and being handwritten is almost certainly a sign of sincerity and that they are taking the matters you raised seriously, if not professionally - itallows you to add a little more closure and treasure the sweet memories!

  14. In our experience, the baby goslings like you more and seem to be more comfortable when removed from their normal area. Pick one up and go to a nice grassy spot away from other birds and just let him/her roam. They will love you forever, and follow you around too. We love our geese, they are a lot of fun. And quite cuddly if you make a nice relationship

  15. I am really big on writing real notes to friends and family. I love finding just the right stationary or card, and picking out a neat stamp.
    I am glad to hear your vet actually wrote you back-even though the content was as expected. I told you what I got from my vet after MoJo died.


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