
My friend "Bel's" comments in Monday's blog comparing Trelawnyd to Stepford (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stepford_Wives) is an interesting one, as of course in village life there are always those petty niggles, fall outs and spats going on, that make the place real and not so chocolate boxy! ( Perhaps I do make it sound a little too much like the village from Little House on the Prairie)
I noticed all this today, as I have spent my hours clearing the back garden of five wheelbarrow loads of weeds and surplus growth.
Being in the garden means that I meet many more locals than I do toiling away in the field, and everyone that today seemed to have the need to moan about someone else in the village.
Someone had forgotten to invite someone else to a village "do", whilst someone else had argued over some gardening issues and the parking of some cars! Yes all very petty, and all very ordinary.
Village gossip about such things is entertaining and necessary, I always think. It is neither important or really dramatic but it is the stuff that makes a community shuffle along and gives the mundane a little harmless sparkle.
Of course our village has its fair share of little Hitlers and community snoopers, who delight in the misfortune or the rule breaking of others, but these people really have no impact in our lives as most people rub shoulders with their neighbours without any undue problems.
People in large estates, towns and cities have immunity to all this normality....as we did in Sheffield....in our street ( of say 70 households) we knew one family and one single woman! and that was it

The weather is too dry! and the grass the surrounds the flower beds in the Village public areas is already going brown after it has been cut.
Thank goodness for my neighbours who always allow me to use their hose and water to water the allotment beds nearest to the road. If water metering comes to Trelawnyd then well I ( and the hens and vegetables) are buggered!


  1. your garden is gorgeous!

  2. Your garden and flowers are terrific, I wish I could say the same about mine. Love the colors!

    I never hear gossip, no one to gossip with. Maybe that's s good thing, maybe it isolates me from being "social". I don't know.

  3. jim, it isnt really. I have a tendency to overplant and no space out the colours of the planting over the season.. believe me it is a good angle

  4. the village folk must gossip about your modesty.

  5. I agree with Jim. The best gardens are the hodge podge ones, with everything mixed in together. Yours is wonderful.

    And, you're absolutely right about small towns. Over the time that I have lived here (my whole life) I have seen this street change from one where we knew all of the neighbors up and down the way, to now, when the only neighbors I know are the ones who live next door.

  6. I'm jealous of your water, we're metered and I use shower water/washing up water/washing machine water for the garden and I carry lots of buckets everywhere! we've got really expensive water and as I garden in tubs , I have to keep watering!

  7. I love the Foxglove (Digitalis)! We never know from year to year where it will appear...they are all volunteers.
    Your garden is very pretty, John.And that's not gossip!

  8. Thanks for the comment on my day's blog, that was really nice. :-)

  9. Hello John! Well I'm glad we live in the country and only go into town to pick up the odd thing and get gas once in a while. I like not knowing what's going on in town. The old Victorian we lived in..in town was a beautiful home but the neighbours (the only ones we had next door) were real gossips and every time we went outside we felt like they were watching us.. hated it. Anyway now we could run around and dance naked on the dirt road out front and no one would see (not that we do that ;) but we could if we wanted to! I agree with Jim and Louise...you have a wonderful garden...very pretty indeed. Have a wonderful weekend! Maura :)

  10. I don't know about that John, Sheffield is often called the largest village in England as everyone seems to know everyone else! Your garden looks grand. xx

  11. Our village is just like that !

    My mum makes it very clear that she does NOT & will NOT gossip - I bet her neighbours gossip about the fact tha she doesn't ! Bless her.

  12. I agree your garden is lovely. By the way is there any chance you could pop over to my veggie patch and weed it? I hate weeding.

    It's like being a member of our church, it's liking walking on glass at times with some of them.

    Gill in Canada


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes