A little Gem

Sometimes you can obtain pleasure from the strangest of things.....tonight was a case in point.... When on "fox watch" I listened to BBC 7's re playing of their production of Raymond Chandler's The High Window!
It was a cracking play full of those Chandler-esque quotes.......
This one was my favourites!
"From thirty feet away she looked like a lot of class. From ten feet away she looked like something made up to be seen from thirty feet away".
Isn't that cool?
If anyone has a chance read Eric's blog....

It is as near Chandler as you will ever get!


  1. Love it! Your Margo Channing quote is what caught my attention when I first found to your blog (love it!), and of course the content made me a fan.

  2. Just how is the fox watch going? Do you just aim to scare him away or catch him for a pet? (Or shoot the liver out of him?)

  3. I'll take a look and thanks for the tip.

  4. Thanks so much, John. High praise indeed.

  5. Fabulous ! I'm popping over now !

  6. love it! Have you caught yourself a fox yet?


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