Hot Sunday

The allotment is hanging on by a thread. We have had no rain now for a month now, and without the kindness of my neighbours' hosepipe most of my vegetables would have gone to seed and dust. The poppies I planted a few years ago are the only things that seem to do well in this drought, although veg such as my cabbage and cauliflowers have thrived....... Mind you a persistent black rock broke her way under the protective netting the other night and has stuffed her fat face with the delicate cabbage hearts! (below)

The buffs and chicks in their runs have had shade covers put on, and extra water during the hottest point of the is strange, that come midday, the field is all but deserted with clumps of hot hens lying out in shady corners and under bushes.


  1. Hi John! Your hard work is paying off, your cauliflower is coming along very nicely!! We are very dry in this part of Virginia. My rain-barrell is practically empty so I'm using the hose to water. I hope our well can take it.

  2. we have been lucky and had enough rain for me not to keep far, but its only June and the real heat of the year is yet to arrive.

    Gill in Canada

  3. I'm glad that your neighbors are letting you use their hose. You have worked so hard getting that garden to grow.

  4. Hello John! You've sure had a hot dry spell ...thank heavens for your kind neighbour and his water hose. What are your temperatures? Your cabbages look good other than the eaten part...that would tick me off to have babied them and then have them eaten by something else! I hope you get some rain soon. It was 99 here yesterday but we feel it was actually hotter than what the computer said. Our air conditioning decided to quit yesterday afternoon at the hottest part of the day ...perfect timing grr. Oh well DH will see what he can do when he get's home from work. I hope your day is a cooler one and that you get that needed rain. Take care...Maura :)

  5. Giggled at your comment about the fat hen!
    Ugh, the heat is something awful to deal with.
    Sending thoughts of rain and cool temps your way.

  6. Love Oriental Poppies!
    Your season is so much further 'runners' are only 6 inches tall now.
    We are about 35 kms. from Halifax.....takes about 40 minutes to get downtown.
    Hope you get drenched in rain!

  7. I had no idea you had dry spells. My brain thought of your area as being cloaked in a gentle misty rain.

  8. Hey Huggable, I feel for you. The drought of 2009 was terrible for our hens and plants. We need rain too, expecting a BURN BAN any day. You should make some jam for your neighbors. Smooches

  9. There is nothing more satisfying than a vegetable garden. Here on the prairie, we have been blessed with an abundance of early summer rain and everything I have is thriving.

    Here is hoping for soft rains on your fields.

  10. Hot here too, the storms we get are 99% noise. Everything is drying up. So, John, you are not alone. It's too bad about your garden, you worked so hard on it! Oh, that naughty hen! The cauliflower looks delicious!

  11. Pah, you call that heat? Yer big puff! Snogs, Nee x

  12. oknia,....I know its 120 in the shade in Oz and old ladies have been dying by the ambulance load in sydney, but to us its pretty damm hot!!!

  13. your veggies look great, rain or no rain.
    How hot is your hot, just wandering?
    My hubby is in the mountains in Utah (work related) and they "hit" 87 degrees last week and his co-workers thought it was so hot. Here in south Georgia we have had 103-104 for the last 3 weeks it seems.

  14. lol 85 is hot here!!!

    we Welsh are such wimps

  15. The cauliflower looks terrific. I should send you some of the rain we've had here. It's finally been sunny now for 5 days. I think it's supposed to rain again in the middle of the week though. Probably just in time for Patrick to get here from Phoenix. At least it will be cooler---was 113 there on Sunday. Ugh!!

  16. I love the garden pics!


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