Happy Birthday Ann

Chris is away working in London again, which will probably mean a slight improvement in his hay fever and a corresponding improvement in his mood!
We have had a small amount of rain today ( I had to curb the urge to reenact that famous scene from The Shawshank Redemption..I was so happy).And the day has shot by in a blur of jobs,and normal routine.
It is also my Sister Ann's birthday today.

When my sister Janet and I were born, Ann was a teenager. As young as she was, Ann provided the warmth and stability for us when we were growing up, something that was subtly lacking from our slightly dysfunctional 1970 parents.

Always a matriarch (even then) it is Ann's small kindnesses and attention to detail that always stick in my memory of her when I was a child. Birthday gifts were always an event, play activities were light hearted and enjoyable and parties and get togethers were relaxed and comfortable. With Ann in charge the critical parenting that we were all so used to, was overwhelmed by a more encompassing sense of fun,and a morale boosting celebration of self.

To this day Ann retains this benign matriarchal persona. Ok we all now have a few more lines on our faces, and for me there is far too much grey in my beard, but essentially things have not really changed over nearly fifty years.

She has remained the mother figure that we never really had, by shaping and supporting those more positive facets of our personalities by her celebratory approach to us and the other members of our family. We are, I would always like to think, products of her optimism and warmth...........which are much more positive gifts than what our own mother could have given us

Happy Birthday



  1. Happy Birthday Ann. Seems you've done a marvelous job with brother John!

  2. Here's to Ann (raising can of root beer high into the air), may she have a marvelous day and many more to come!

  3. Ann sounds like a wonderful sister!!! Happy Birthday to Ann!

  4. Very fortunate indeed to have Ann in your life John....she did a great job!

  5. Happy Birthday Ann.
    Also toasting to Ann for a wonderful job with you, John.
    By the way, the water truck can bring 2000 gallons of water with each trip. During summer I have water delivered about every two weeks, sometimes more often.

  6. Happy Birthday Ann! Now, that's the kind of sister to have.

  7. i have 2 wonderful sisters!

  8. Happy birthday Ann. What a lovely tribute....you did do a good job with the old turkey! xxx

  9. Happy Birthday to Ann from farr N.Idaho, USA!! God bless you for the care you gave your siblings.

  10. What a wonderful tribute! Don't know you at all. Just saw your name on Knatolee's comments. But anyone, who can speak so warmly of his big sister, has a great, generous personality. And the big sister, who inspired his words of praise, must be very unique.

    May you celebrate many, many more birthdays together!

  11. Happy Birthday Anne
    (What a truly lovely tribute to a v. special sister John)

  12. Happy Birthday Ann! Sounds like you did a wonderful job of raising your siblings. The best part is that it didn't go unnoticed...they appreciate the love and support you showed to them. I hope you had a wonderful day! Maura :)

  13. Happy Birthday Ann...do you need a lick...just let me know eh!

  14. Any sister who inspired such a loving and respectful tribute MUST be special! Wishing you a wonderful birthday and many more to follow...

  15. Happy Birthday Ann.

  16. Anne sounds like a wonderful person - Happy Birthday to her !

  17. Belated birthday greetings to your sister from me,

    Gill in Canada

  18. Judging by your fantastic tribute to her, it sounds like Ann is the type of sister we all long to have. Happy birthday to her!!!


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