War of the Weeds

Not the most interesting Blog!
With the warm weather following a good drenching, the usual "WAR OF THE WEEDS" has now started. This morning I did a Russell Crowe and with trusty hoe in my hand I faced the growing mountain of weeds with a gruff "On my command, unleash HELL"
For 7 hours I have toiled away clearing the vegetable beds and ripping up the armies of spring meadow flowers and grasses. It is a backbreaking, sweaty but necessary job.
Right is one of the newly painted rabbit hutches I blagged from the animal rescue centre. I have had to remove Blanche from the ark and relocate her inside with her eggs, as the other hens were "adding" to her clutch on a daily basis by parking their bums neatly into her nest..thank god I had marked her original eggs as today she had 16 in her nest and was going slightly frantic in an effort to cover them all!
Broody hens do not take lightly to being moved, but she settled down after I had covered the front of her hutch with some wood.
I have not even had time to start the back garden weeding as yet. Scores of pink columbine are starting to flower but the garden has not quite come into it's own as yet. I weeded the front garden and cut the grass today too, but again the flowers have not yet started to bloom so the place looks need if not just a little dull

Chris asked if he could have a herb bed made on the allotment and I sorted that out too this afternoon. (below) I planted out sage, thyme and flat leaf parsley, and moved containers containing rosemary, chives and mint from the four corners of the allotment
All of the herbs are now safely behind chicken wire.....hungry beaks are everywhere


  1. I must say you do ask for punishment - 7 hours with a hoe?
    I like your yard, actually I think it's pretty cool, looks very inviting.
    Funny about the other hens adding their eggs, don't want to brood them themselves? So much easier to have someone else do it. Lol!
    Your columbine are very pretty.
    An herb garden sounds nice, I have tried to start seed and nothing but moldy pellets, I believe, I and my purple thumb, are going to call it quits.

  2. Busy, busy, busy......I too have been weeding.The two I target are Buttercup and Dandelion. So far I am ahead of them. Don't forget to 'stop and the smell the roses' occasionally, John.

  3. Oh yeah....what do you mean when you use the term 'allotment'?

  4. 7 hours with a hoe?! Weeding?! Oh my.
    No wonder your yard looks picturesque. Magazine material for sure!
    Glad Blanche settled in ok. Those silly broody girls are something else!
    By the way, I laughed so hard at the comment you left on my blog about the clouds!

  5. The amount of work you get done in a day simply amazes me. Most of us would keel over if we did half as much.

  6. louise I only "officially" work as a nurse 11.5 hours a week
    I know I am lucky to have the time to give to my animals and my allotment!!!!!!

  7. Sounds like you had a very productive day to me :O)...

    This is my first year to have the herbs in the garden.. I am reallllly enjoying them!

  8. You sound like me. I spent most of Mother's day last week in my garden, weeding. Started at 6am and worked like crazy. Woke up sore all over.


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