Uncles John and Chris

Chris went to Chester Zoo today with Mike, Bev and chatterbox Maisie. I had already arranged to take the Scotties on their 40 mile round trip to have their haircuts.
They all returned late in the afternoon, tired but entertained by the day's events, and just about managed to eat a large meal of meatballs and spaghetti (Maisie's request) before crashing out for the night

Maisie has been a pure joy to deal with. But we know we are too selfish and set in our ways to cope properly with a child for more than a day or so......Chris is off to have a doze on the couch...me I am off to lock the birds up
It was lovely to catch up with them all


  1. Know what you mean about little kids and what they need. I love my 'station in life' as a perpetual grandparent.......the kids always go home with their parents.

  2. It sounds like an exhausting day. When my granddaughter was younger, she would bounce when she talked (loudly)and I could only handle it for about 2 hrs. Sigh... now Maria is coming into the chatterbox stage.

  3. Kids have a way of draining your energy. Although I have three wonderful daughters, I have to say I am happy that they don't want children of their own. They asked me if that was okay with me since I wouldn't be a Grandmom. Well, of course it's fine. They could bring me a puppy! :)

  4. Very dapper -- the scottie. Love with picture with you two and Maisie . . . looks like the new "Two Men and a Little Lady." ;)

  5. yes, kids can do that to you. I hate to say it but I have figured out a way to tune out some of the chatter when it has been going on for a few hours. Non-stop.


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