Mixed bag

Today the nation decides on our next government....listening to the manifestos, the pledges, the spin AND all of the "lies", my head is in a whirl of PR and stats as well as being over shadowed by last year's "expenses row"
It is all a sorry mess.
The financial crisis in Greece seems to be pushing the country into some sort of anarchy...and I am fearful of what will happen to us all if Britain heads down that precipitous path; a fear which has been compounded just a little by our isolation here in Wales.
Somehow living in a city feels slightly safer when petrol prices soar out of control and amenities and public services may be cut
.......so how the hell do we pick a political party that will stabilise our lives and our country?
I will vote today, but I think I need a long quiet walk with the dogs before I do so.

Anyhow to happier things..
Readers of this blog will know that I absolutely love little acts of kindness. They are the stuff that makes the world go round, and they bring a smile to your face at the oddest of times.
Yesterday I got home after delivering eggs and there sitting on the wall was a vintage poultry feeder. No note. No sign of who dropped it off for me. It was just sitting on the wall, as an anonymous gift.
And it made my day!
So many thanks to whoever dropped it off for me.
It was lovely!

Today I will meet our friends at the beach for a bit. More hens have hit their broody buttons, so I will have to come back at some stage to sort them out. Too many broody hens means no eggs and broodiness is catching!

hey ho

Last night we had a flower show committee meeting and have allocated some of our funds to worthy Village causes.
We agreed that three groups would benefit by donations and gifts; one for the elder population and one for the junior population of the village and one for the Memorial Hall which is the focus of the village....Obviously I cannot detail our decisions as yet until the relevent parties are informed, but it is wonderful to feel that the original remit of the Flower Show ( ie to support worthy causes in the village) is being upheld


  1. I had seen that Greece is in terrible financial trouble, is Britain heading that way? I know U.S. is in the pot, not enough jobs.

    Being way out in the country, it makes one want to stock up on foods in case a bigger crisis hits. Dh and I still talk about solar or wind energy for emergency and to help with the bills, but that stuff is so expensive to get to start with!

    I'm sure it's like drawing names out of a hat, trying to find the political party to fix the economy. Look how many problems we (U.S) have had.

    How nice about the chick feeder! Have a good day sorting out the hens and later going to the beach!

  2. It will be interesting to see in which direction....right or left....that the United Kingdom will go today.The trend appears to be leaning 'right'. We'll see.
    Nice gift!
    Just heading to the beach as well. Have a great day.

  3. I saw a piece on the news last night about the faltering economy in Greece, and how, if that economy fails, it could bring down the economies of several other countries. It's a terrible situation and I fear that the whole world is starting now to pay for the excesses (all over, not just Greece) of the past years. I wonder what we will see happen in the next few years?

    I don't think that there is a quick fix, and I don't know if any political party can have all of the insight necessary to start us back on the right road. I think that the big change has to come from us average people, living our average lives. We have got to change, to learn to live within our means. It looks to me like we may have that change forced upon us.

    So, vote carefully today, John, and be proud that you are making the effort to cast your ballot. But, remember that you are also doing the right thing at home, with your gardens, and your chickens and turkeys.

  4. John-found you through Sharon. WE are somewhat new to farm life and have our very first broody hen as of last week. I am getting a bit worried for her because I can't tell if she is getting off the nest at all to eat or drink. Any advice?
    In the meantime, i will read through your blog. Sharon mentioned that you have broody hens right now as well.

  5. polly I have left some advice on your blog

  6. Don't get me started on politics. Tuesday was our primaries to see who will be running for our November election. And this oil spill off the coast of Louisiana (I'm sure has hit global news) is only adding to our gas prices. I try not to focus on what I cannot fix. A vote is a hope that "they" can and will do what is right and necessary.
    Little things are great. We got a swimming pool...15ft across and 3.5 ft deep. Not huge, but a great cooler for summer heat. The man who gave it to us only wants some work done for him in exchange. Mike has been power washing his house for a good start. I didn't know. It was half set up when I got home!
    By the way, my moons aren't are nice looking as Tracey's! LOL

  7. I have a broody mourning dove who has taken up residence in our children's playroom. She dive-bombs them and stomps into the doorway to discourage their return with an evil stare. This from our usually peaceful, usually tame little rescued mourning dove! In her case, it's good for her, though, as it will slow down her cycle and stop her from becoming calcium deficient from rapid, pointless egg production. She eats and drinks -- I can tell by her "mother-load" poop!

    What a lovely little surprise for you. Must be good karma.

    All the best on your election.

  8. I think we're better off in small out of the way places if things go really bad.

  9. Voting is important, even if you sometimes wonder if it helps... I guess I feel that you don't have a right to complain if you don't at least try to take some action... Enough of that.

    That is a neat poultry feeder! It's always fun when someone leaves a surprise like that. Just a way for a smile to creep into the day, for me.

    Urk. Broodies. Well... More in my blog. It *almost* worked here.

    Good to hear that you will be able to help several groups with your charity!


  10. hope your long walk with the dogs sorted out your head.
    I've decided to concentrate on the little things and let the bigger picture unfold.
    It's not the first time, it certainly won't be the last...

  11. you had me chuckling, because I am the girl who does those sorts of things to her neighbors and friends. I love to leave something on their doorstep or in their mailbox and not leave my name. It just makes my day.
    In fact, you have now given me an idea.


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