Daddy's Girl

My best friend Mike has Maisie....and as daft as it sounds.....I have Meg....
surrogate kids........yeap........I have around 74! including the turkeys!
We were watching "chopper coppers" on tv last night


  1. Meg looks very content! 74 critters?! I find one a handful!

  2. Meg's a beautiful "child", I consider Jack and Jill my "children" as well as the human ones. Best part is, if they get pregnant, you can give their babies away, they will never want the keys to your car, and they don't use drugs.

  3. I totally understand surrogate kids, we never had two legged kids... ours are all of the four legged variety.. oh well I guess not the "girls" chickens (3) and Peter our duck have only two legs LOL

    Thanks so much for the tip on the Nasturtium, I did not know they kept flies away in the garden! Any info you care to share anytime on flowers I am all ears :O)... I am learning slowly... I got two more plants today, one a Bearded Tongue at first by the flower I thought it was a Foxglove, then realized no this isnt a Foxglove and looked at the tag to see Bearded Tongue and I also got a Yarrow... both so pretty... I am mixing my flowers in with my vegetable garden :O)...

  4. Wow! 741... oh, that's an ! mark. Phew! That is way too many animals to care for. 74 is quite enough to keep you busy. Meg is family and a cutie pie!

  5. that's a lot of mouths to feed ! I like Sharon's comment...they also don't stomp upstairs mumbling at you, eat copious amounts of choccie bikkies and need new clothes !

  6. Meg is adorable!

  7. Awwww, Meg is beautiful. Just love her face. And she looks so content.
    All of the animals here are our family.

  8. Hello John! Thank you for stopping by my blog and saying was nice to 'meet' you. I'm having a good old time going through your blog and reading past posts.I LOVE all your animals and that sweet little curly top girl is just the cutest little thing. I have Buff Orpington's too ..they are just the nicest chickens. I have to run out and water the veggies and do some yardwork but I'm coming back for another look later. I hope you and your family are having a wonderful weekend over the pond in Wales...take care. Maura:)

  9. what is it they say about dogs matching their owners ? - your beard matches completely - you both look so happy - mom-in-law comes monday for 2 weeks then i get a good little break, thanks for keeping in touch - peace

  10. Meg looks like she knows who her daddy is, too!
    We consider our animals members of the family, too. I wouldn't have it any other way.


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