Leaving a mark and Sunday Photos

Yesterday I took the dogs down gypsy lane and noticed a strange mark on a tree halfway down the bridlepath. I stopped and cleared away the ivy and found this old carved set of initials. "GWYN REG"
I got to thinking that as a species, all of us want to leave our mark on this world in some shape and form...don't we?
Some people leave a legacy through their children........other people have work sucessess, whilst others have plaques and statues (I would love a statue of me somewhere or other!!)

But I guess the only best way of being "remembered" is by being remembered fondly by those you have left behind.......if we are missed and loved....that's what really matters doesn't it?

Hummm.......I wonder just how long this blog survives in the vacuum that is the internet...long after I am gone?...and how many comments will be present on that final blog entry?
who knows

This is my favourite view of our lane....our cottage is where Carol can be seen (she is gossiping with a slightly hungover Chris who is sitting in the front garden.) He had a work night out at Osborn House last night and I went to pick him up after I finished work.

William and Maddie watching from the cottage window

Last night there was a bloody frost that burnt off most of my runner bean seedlings. I have not got enough fleece to cover all of my "delicates", so gardening is a little like Russian Roulette at the moment...( ok NOT as exciting but hey, we do live in the country)

Above the potatoes are showing their heads

........I have weeded the whole of the pea beds and planted out neat rows of peas and mange tout
Belle is the most determined hen I have, and has been contemplating a raiding party into the Church Yard for many days now. So far the chicken wire barrier atop the stone wall has stopped her short, but as God loves a trier, she has maintained this daily vigil in the vain hope of ascertaining just where any weak points may be

With Rogo gone, the old cockerel Stanley has now taken full charge of the field population. The bigger but more junior Jesus and the bantam cockerels Roger and Pirrie have deferred to his senior position and effectively "let him get on with things". Here he seemed facinated with the omnibus version of The Archers! (Nigel will Lillian get together with Matt's brother Paul?>???)


  1. What a picture perfect shot of your lane!!!! Looks very,I must be careful here, 'English' or should I say Welsh?
    I'm afraid we may lose things in the garden as well, due to frost......crossing fingers that we don't.
    That rooster looks pretty determined ti 'hit' the churchyard.....my bets go on......

  2. Oops! I guess Belle doesn't look much like a rooster.

  3. The picture of your lane sooo pretty :O)...

    Sorry the frost got your beans... We are still running below normal temps here as well, but not low enough to frost thank goodness... We could bet hitting 100 degrees by now...its been known to happen many times by this time of year...the cooler temps are nice...

  4. My Mother used to always say, "A hundred years from now, nobody will know the difference", I would suppose that goes for being remembered as well. I do not even know what any of my Great-Grandparents first names were. I imagine, in a hundred years, no one will know mine. Yes, I am sure that most people want to leave a mark to be remembered, but so few have accomplished this, only the great or sometimes evil.

    A lovely walk in the lane!

    Yes, very chilly right now, but in a few days it should warm up again. Sorry about your frost.

    I'm all for the hen escaping, go girl, go!

    Have a most lovely, rest of the day!


  5. Didnt you leave your mark by lodging a coin in a tree

  6. John, this was a very thoughtful post, and I appreciate the kind comment you left on my blog too. Of course I do wonder what my legacy will be and what my mark (which I know will be small) will ultimately end up being. I hope, like you, that I will be remembered and missed by those I care about the most.
    But do not underestimate the legacy of your blog. Last night I was randomly clicking "next blog" at the top blog pages and stumbled onto one that hadn't had anything posted to it in well over a year. I found the post interesting, captivating and thought provoking, and I even left a comment on it. So you just never know where or when your influence will be felt! You have a lovely place that you call home--I'm just sorry that the frost is trying to get to it! It's cold here today too--Where did spring go?

  7. Hello.

    We noticed you on our pal Wilf and Digby's blog when you posted that beautiful Kipling poem.

    We're two wire fox terriers who tear our mom's heart daily -- every time she reads about a fellow canine who is having problems, she looks at us with an ache in her heart for them and their human companions.

    We see you have lots of animals in your household; but also see the absence of a seriously comical breed like ourselves -- so we wanted to introduce ourselves.

    Come visit.

    Wirey woofs,

    Jake and Just Harry

  8. PS
    I do not know how long of a path Gypsy Lane is... but if it goes very far, what a wonderful place to run!! so peaceful looking!

  9. Hi John! You lane is so pretty and inviting! Makes me want to travel! I wonder how long blogs last on the internet? I guess it has to do who the blog is managed by, such as Google. If Google carries on, my blog probably will, too, as will yours. But my comments wont be moderated after I'm gone, so they wont be posted... I could go on and on here...

    Love the chicken pics, especially Belle trying to jump the fence!
    Cheerio, ~Lynn

  10. Such a thought provoking post today. Hmmmmm, leaving a mark to be remembered by. I guess my mark would be to be able to make a differance in the lives of animals and for that to continue long after I'm gone.
    I am in awe of your lane.
    Belle looks pretty determined. :)
    Thank you for a most wonderful post.

  11. Gypsy Lane is beautiful! Love the photos of your garden and cottage. Sorry about the frost and that you lost the plants. I have some links on my blog today about hugelkultur. I know I'm putting in more layers, but that's because our dirt is so poor. Love all your photos.

  12. As Marlene once famously said: "What does it matter what you say about people?"

  13. Lovely picts,I felt like I was walking right along with you...

  14. I'd love to walk that trail. Looks like fun. The village looks pleasant. I'm sure you are quite aware, Belle will figure it out one day. I have a couple of sex links that climb the wire. If there wasn't a roof on the 7' fence 9' on the other end, they'd climb right over it! Frost hasn't killed anything in my garden. Half of the seeds just decided not to grow! Grrr... Bought some more I'll try to get in this week.
    I don't care if I'm remembered. I'll be dead!

  15. I love your setting-it is very storybook-like.
    It is hard to imagine frost anywhere at this point-it has been in the 90s here for at least a month now. Deep South will do that to ya.


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