Della and Pirrie to the rescue

Thank goodness for Della.
She stopped by today to let me know that she had seen a fox, as bold as brass walking down the fields near her farm , pen-y-cefn-isa, and although I know that foxes are always around, her warning put me on top alert so to speak.
Tonight, just before the light turned into dusk I made a point of leaving the warmth of the wood stove to go and watch the hens form themselves into small groups outside their respective hen houses (the turkeys and ducks had already been put away into their own houses)

Before I got to the field, I could hear the smallest of my bantam cockerels, Pirrie(above), angrily chattering away from his vantage point on the top of the ark roof. In immediate response the roosters Jesus and old Stanley started to run up the field and the three guinea fowl started to scream from the Churchyard wall. I caught sight of Hughie, Alf and Ivy and all three of them were craning their necks in the direction of the riding school in anger and panic.

I followed their gaze, and there standing 50 yards away with his face poking through a gap in the fence was a large fox.
Despite my advancing years and wellies, I galloped forward shrieking like a girl, and the fox turned and trotted off ( not galloped but trotted! how bloody rude was that?)

I stayed out until every hen was locked up and the guinea fowl were safely up in their Churchyard tree!!
Thanks again Della


  1. Bantams are hilarious, like the Chihuahuas of the fowl world, far smaller than their egos or their courage warrant.

  2. Yes, thank goodness for Della! You may have had a slaughter on your hands! Probably be one of your favorites too. I have been wanting chickens (in a pen) and DH is dead set against it, he has said I could get a few guinea , IF I could find some. No luck so far. Well anyway, the guinea are like watch dogs, huh? Raise holey he-- when something is out of the norm, right? I kind of figured the birds would get to know MY dogs, but would holler if another dog or something else came around. We have a lot of coyote in this area and I do hate to put the dogs out when they are out there yipping and howling.
    And so, good guru of birds - am I right, or do I need the chickens too?

  3. Bucky, my little bantam rooster is the loudest. And the meanest. Thanks Pirrie, for fowl across the world!

  4. Foxes eh? Lucky you saw it and scared it away!
    Coyotes are the big problem here in Nova Scotia.....cats and dogs aren't safe in certain areas.

  5. Wow, you actually saw the fox!!! Scary and cool at the same time. You have me lauging at the mental scene of you running and hollering towards the fox.
    And the nerve to just trot off! The least he could have done was tuck tail and run. :)
    Glad all your feathered friends are safe.
    You need a donkey!!! No more worries about unwanted critters! :)

  6. hehe. Am picturing you (in your ADVanced age---0h brother) shreiking at old Mr.Fox. Glad you had all your charges rounded up in time.

    I thought Patrick looked a bit grouchy in that photo too---I might have just awakended him for his evening snack---His lips looked swelled up & that's usually the way they are when he has been just awakened. I call them his fishy lips.hehe. x-c

  7. Della, Pirrie, and JOHN to the rescue!

    Now, there's a really good argument for geese - they are great watch "dogs".

  8. You have a rooster named Jesus? Fabulous!

    We have foxes around here but the coyotes and loose dogs seems to be a greater problem for my poor hens...

  9. I faced down a coyote at close quarters and it really wasn't afraid. It seemed more annoyed than frightened that I was there interrupting its visit to the chicken coop. Yes, many thanks to Della and your brave chickens and guineas for raising the alarm.

  10. Here we have coyotes more than fox...

    Always a predator it seems lurking somewhere...

    Glad you were able to see everyone up for the night and safe!


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