blanche and the allotment


  1. THAT, is a full time job. I'm surprised you work an odd night or two at hospital. I hope you are appreciated.

  2. Your field and veg beds look lovely.

    I love that little noise broody hens makes, so cute. Unless they are a screeching banshee.


  3. Thanks for the 'tour'....lots to do. AS my grandmother used to say: "No rest for the wicked" !
    Have a great weekend.

  4. It's so lovely and lush and green! We have a broody hen that does that same "weeee" noise!

  5. That was a nice way to start my morning! Such a pretty place you have! It's been quite cool, it is amazing how everything is growing so well! Love your hen!

  6. You have a lovely place! I wish I could get my veggie patch to look so neat and tidy..those weeds get the best of me!

  7. Beautiful, and looks like "someone" has been working hard to get it to look that way. The veggies look great.
    Blanche makes a more gentle sound than my broody Snowflake. Snowflake growls like a manly dog. But she does look the same way with her tail fluffed up and her body all curled around the eggs. Our chicks should be hatching in 5 days!

  8. What a wonderful surprise to see a video and hear you this morning. Last evening I was thinking that you hadn't posted a video in awhile.
    Love the sounds of the birds and the roo. Blanche is beautiful. How exciting that she is going to have chickies. :)

  9. Oooh, Blanche is lovely! Your chickens have best names. Your garden looks wonderful too.

  10. Have a good night at work tonight!

  11. Beautiful place, thanks for the look around.

  12. Cannot believe it's only a week since we were actually there! One week back at work and the peace and tranquility of that field seems like an age ago. Maisie really loved being amongst the birds and it was an excellent experience for her, and for me as well!

  13. Loved the video clip - the gardens, the hen, the glimpse of the stone wall and church in the background. Thanks!

    I saw a flock of wild turkeys while I was driving today. There was a big handsome male, but he was no Bingley. Maybe flock isn't the right word for turkeys since it's a gaggle of geese.


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