
The weather was lovely when we went to Bodysgallen hall for Chris' birthday tea. (Bodysgallen is pronounced BOD-ES-GA-CLEN) Before we sat down , we had a chance to walk around the grounds which were small but perfectly formed
Below is the boxed herb garden
Chris was having a nice time (honest)

Now as we tucked into our sandwiches with the crusts cut off and our home made scones, my sister Ann (left) subtlety removed her wrap to show off her left took an age for us to notice that she had been fitted with a false whole arm tattoo! complete with colour!
She had to do one better than the fake tattoo I had placed on Janet's backside! the one that Ann fell for as real, hook line and sinker! The saga of the family tattoos continue!!!!!!
Below Janet, Ann (with tattoo) and Chris outside Bodysgallen


  1. You four look like quite the crew! Love to have a 'sleeve' like that.....
    The herb garden has given me an idea but then again this is not Wales.....settle down Jim.

  2. Ann's tatoo has nothing to do with Jonathan and me !!! It does look rather good though. It's time someone joined Andrew and had a 'real' one, there are too many fakes!!! xx

  3. have one on yer arse and so will I

  4. WOW, however it is pronounced, looks like a bit of heaven to me. That place is fabulous, it makes the Wrigley estate look a little like my out house! You are so fortunate to be close enough to that stuff to go and visit!

    Hmm, I believe a tattoo on my arm would be lost amongst all my purple spots. :(

    Sounds like you all had a marvelous time!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. John isn't this the place you and Chris took Sorrel (?) for her birthday tea? I looked it up online and I "think" I remember the gardens...At any rate, what a really lovely place to go for a special occasion--And what a nice picture of you and Chris!!

  7. Bro,

    Thank you we enjoyed Chris's Birthday treat enormously ,and thank you Jayne and Jonathan I will return the fake tattoo later in the week I just need to wear it for work a few times.


  8. Isn't the boxed garden lovely?! Your family's ongoing tatoo joke is so funny. Can't wait to see who shows up with the next one, and for what occasion! I bet I'd get along great with your sisters.We have the same sense of humor.


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