You just can't win

Since my last week's effort with post and chicken wire, the Graveyard has now been made a no go area for the field population. Not a chicken can be seen casually wandering amid the tombstones or sunning themselves on the wildflower borders, and I think that the country graveyard is more the poorer for their absence.
However, the few complaints about how the chickens could scratch at the floral tributes (I have never seen this happen) or how one got under the feat of a visitor ( anyone who knows chickens will realise that this comment is a complete fabrication)..have now been addressed and the country churchyard is now a chicken free zone.....

Today as I was rushing around getting jobs done before our visitors arrive, I noticed a woman amid the graves, I gave her a small wave as I usually do and the woman called me over!
Bloody hell I comes another gripe about something or other..... and as I flashed my best PR smile the woman said...
"I must complain to you"
I signed- here it comes...I thought.....
"I saw your new fencing..last week...and I must admit I really miss your chickens over here they always used to make the place seem so welcoming"
I found myself apologising for the chickens absence
sod's law


  1. Awww, see. That's why "live and let live" is the best policy. Nothing will please everyone all of the time, so let's err on the side of liberties. I'm so sorry your chickens have lost the graveyard privileges.

  2. Nope, you can't win for losing. No way to please everyone.

    (Big) Sigh...........

  3. I wondered if there might be some who would be sad to see the chickens gone. Plus, there will probably be a lot more bugs there, now.

  4. You can please all of the people some of the time. You can please some of the people all of the time. But you can't please all of the people all of the time.
    ~Abraham Lincoln

  5. Amazing how we make change for just a few people who have nothing better to do.

  6. What would happen if more people wanted the chickens there? Would the 'law' be changed so that the chickens could be there? What a shame that a few grouches have that much pull.

  7. Chicken Boys are so right!! But why do we always think the worst when this happens? I had the same thing happen when someone walked accross the field by our house and said they wanted to talk to me about our dogs...With my heart in my throat and waiting to hear the worst, she said they'd lost theirs and hoped it had found its way to our house...I was sorry she lost her pup, but glad that was all it was! Glad "that" was all it was for you too John!!

  8. What a pretty graveyard! If only there were a few chickens...

  9. hehe. You had to know THat was going to happen. It's sad that the critters no longer add color (& life) to the cemetery. And so it goes.

  10. I vote for chickens in the graveyard. Hopefully there will be an outcry and petitions signed calling for the return of the chickens!

    Maybe you will be installing a door in the new fencing? How about "chicken hours."

    Sign to read: 'Chickens will be allowed in the graveyard between the hours of 4 pm to dusk for the enjoyment of visitors and sundry'

    hee, hee, hee

  11. I think some people see it as disrespectful in some way, our village churchyard has flushes of artificial flowers from time to time, which is so much worse than any lovely chicken. When I'm in there give me a chicken not a plastic flower ;)

  12. oh dear me.....count to ten!!! Could be worse, you could be writing the recipe book for the church, and then have to deal with all those church women on a regular basis!!

    Gill in Canada


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