Chris is 41 today
He has had the obligatory lie in with breakfast in bed.
Then enjoyed himself in the usual bout of card opening (and counting) and present opening. (I bought him a leather bag for his netbook)......he is never happy with the amount of cards he gets (although every member of his family and my family send him one) and every year we get the half humorous "no body loves me" comment!
Anyhow today I have arranged for us to go to Bodysgallen Hall for afternoon tea, which should be lovely as the weather looks nicer than it did the last time we went and this eveing I will buy him a takeaway treat (no starter though....I'm skint!)


  1. Happy Birthday Chris

  2. Happy Birthday to Chris!!! I think it would be funny if every one of us that read this lovely blog would send a card next year. He would be flooded! hee hee

  3. You've achieved the meaning of life old fella! Welcome to the club! Njoy, both of you! N, G & GB xxx

  4. You've achieved the meaning of life old fella! Welcome to the club! Njoy, both of you! N, G & GB xxx

  5. Happy Birthday Chris. Hope that you enjoy your day!

    Isobelle, you're a genius. That is such a fun idea.

  6. Happy Birthday to Chris! 42, just a kid, really. You have a whole 'nother lifetime to go before you're almost old, I hope the time is used wisely and full of fun!


  7. All the best to your buddy, Chris. Hope you both have a splendid day.

  8. Happy birthday to Chris


  9. yes, next year remind us all to send him birthday cards, really mushy cards about how much we LOVE and ADORE him, couldn't LIVE without him.

  10. Now, I know you changed that number from 42 to 41 and wouldn't try to gaslight an old lady - right?

  11. YOU, are a cougar!

  12. Happy Birthday to Chris!

  13. Happy Birthday Chris!

    See you tomorrow!!

    Mike & Bev x

    Maisie is sat with me as I type this and wants me to write a message on her behalf, as follows:- 'I love Chris & John xxxxxxxxxxx. I really want to see you now'. (typed as quoted including the number of kisses!)

  14. Happy Birthday Chris. May you be spoiled all day.

    Love the idea about sending him cards next year.

  15. That's odd. Didn't that say 42 earlier? What is it about us trying to make our partner's older than they really are? I did the same thing to Mike for his birthday back in February. Enjoy you two!

  16. I also like the idea of the cards, and this year could be one with e-mails sent--I did that when my brother was in the Navy and out to sea--I e-mailed all his shipmates that he had a birthday...Needless to say they had great fun with him!
    But I do wish Chris a wonderful and happy birthday filled with lots of fun, cake and a present or two, or three!!

  17. thanks to everyone for their best wishes.
    Chris IS 41 not 42 as I originally said...whoops!!!

  18. Does a blog comment count as a card?
    happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear Chris
    Happy Birthday to yoy

  19. Happy Birthday Chris. I love your matching accessories, so coordinated !! I think a black and white scarf would finish the look, for Maddie and George that is. Happy knitting !!!xxx

  20. Happy Birthday to Chris! He's really still a very young whipper-snapper!! Looks like he had a lovely day.


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