Spring pace

It has felt a little like summer this afternoon.
The planting of more beans, cabbage and beetroot has been pleasantly interrupted by neighbours' visits and chats, so the pace of the day has felt somewhat plodding and pedestrian.

Ann from round the corner came to feed the pigs with her grandson who was wide eyed with silent admiration after he held a couple of the new chicks, and neighbours Ian and Helen from the Mill house from down the lane called in for eggs and a hopeful mention in today's blog!!

The red faced Welsh farmer dropped off a load of shavings for the hen coops as another neighbour Pippa ambled past ( she called around last night for eggs and taught me where to look in the night sky for Venus and Mercury)...earlier in the morning I talked to the widow who buried her husband earlier in the week , as she visited the graveyard, I had waved to her almost daily for months as she was always a regular visitor to the Church, but never had spoken to her before. It felt good to be able to offer my condolences

Let's hope this fine weather continues, it certainly lifts the spirits


  1. looking forward to seeing more of your garden as the season progresses.

  2. Pretty! Wish I had some, although I have no place to put them where the lawn mowing (let's just call them) guys, would not cut before they had a chance.

    You are so lucky to have neighbors who chat with you! The people behind us, don't speak often, I have been to their house more than a few times, but they don't come here. I gave up. I met the people down the road once and the people up the road once. That's all I have for neighbors. We have been in this house for over 4 1/2 years. I could use some pleasant interruptions.

    Loving the warmer weather too!

  3. the tulips are in an old bucket next to the allotment!!!

  4. I really enjoy reading your blog. You mention everyone (you never seem to be alone when you go outdoors). As long as Pippa doesn't show you where to look to find Uranus you'll be okay. Have a great weekend!

  5. Bucket, hmmm, is probably too late for this year, hadn't thought of that. If I find any bulbs, I will give it a try. Thanks!

  6. i got a full day planned in the garden tomorrow so if your bored wander over for a brew.

  7. Reading your blog lets me imagine life across the pond in the golden age of what was. It just seems so much more laid back and less stressed there. Oh I know, there is stress everywhere.

    It's like watching a great old movie! :)

  8. geoff I have my chicken course "practical" today remember I have some spare cabbage for you

  9. great to live in such a small friendly community. My tulips are just poking their leaves through the ground, still a ways off from flowering.

    Have a good weekend,

    Gill in Canada

  10. Sounds like a lovely afternoon, John. Thanks for including us.


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