Sheffield Plans

I am pretty excited!
Friday I am meeting up with Nu up in Sheffield and we are going to catch up with a load of old friends for a night of laughter and gossip!
I left Sheffield in 2005 and Nu left in 1995 , so it will be a real nostalgic "blast from the past" night out when we all get together in ALL BAR ONE.....! especially as Nu and I are sharing a hotel room! which is so...well teenage !
Been texting like mad over the last few days in order to liaise with old mates!
tee hee
photo:- the famous vintage police box located next to the Town Hall in sheffield city centre


  1. It sounds like loads of fun! Get tipsy and have one for me as well!

    That police box is something else! How times have changed, eh?

    Jack n Jill

  2. I will have ten for you sharon!!!

  3. dont forget Canadian Club

  4. geoffry after drinking it (in copious ammounts) at your house recently I will NEVER drink it again!!!

  5. I know it's green, and not blue, but, for a moment there, I thought that you were getting ready to fire up the Tardis.

    Have loads of fun on your night out. If you can get it over there, have a shot of Wild Turkey Bourbon. It'll cure what ails you.

  6. Sounds like a great time, enjoy!

  7. Your po po meet in a phone booth? I'll take a vodka and cranberry, thank you. That or coconut rum (Malibu)and Dr. Pepper.

  8. Isn't that police box supposed to be blue? Have a wonderful time out. I'm sure you'll end up sitting giggling half the night and will be glad you're sharing a room. Lane

  9. the police box has always been a lurid green from what I remember!!!

  10. I have fond memories of Sheffield, lived in Broomhill early 80s lovely place as cities go, hope you enjoy you reunion.

  11. kathy I presume you were a student at the university there?
    I lived in broomhill for a while too!


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