
It has been too dry (yes dry!!!) for me to start planting out today, so I have fenced off the second vegetable bed in an effort to protect my delicate seedlings from chicken damage.Iceberg lettuce have already been planted under the cloches, and after the next bout of rain we experience I will plant out more potatoes, leeks and broadbeans.

As I was working this afternoon, I listened with interest to the radio news that the Pope's second in command Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone has linked homosexuality with paedophilia in an attempt to defuse the sex scandals that have blighted the Catholic Church as of late.

While, I think that Cardinal Betone's words were perhaps just an unthinking and confusing conclusion to a recent Vatican research project on the subject of "Church abuse", by dangerously connecting being gay to child abuse, he has potentially put back the progression of gay rights and gay acceptance in some areas of the world, irreversibly.

In more "enlightened" countries, the remarks , I hope, will just backfire spectaculary on the beligered and blinkered Church itself, and some of me feels that the Cardinal's words should just be given the contempt that they deserve and should just be ignored....

sad, sad, sad............


  1. I just have to say this plain and simple...homosexuality and paedophilia are NOT the same thing and have absolutely nothing in common.
    On a day like this I would be ashamed to be Catholic or even to believe in a God who could suggest such a thing.
    The Catholic Church should be ashamed of itself!
    I can fully understand what it means to be attracted to a person of the same sex but could never imagine what it would be like to have sexual feelings for a child.
    Time for the Pope to resign - or at least to employ a new regime!

  2. Well, John, I tell you. I am a Catholic, but I cannot always understand my own Church's pronouncements and this appears to be one of them. However, as you, I do not like sweeping indictments or stereotypes based on sexual orientation or religion or anything else.

    I believe we are all God's creatures and each unique from the other therefore defying any sweeping judgments. As different as you and I are in many ways, I bet we can both agree on that. I make no judgment of you for your lifestyle as a gay man. I see you as an individual. Please allow me the same as a Catholic.

    I guess what I'm saying is, every Catholic cannot be swept into one category, nor should they, just as every homosexual should not be assumed to be responsible for the others.

    I apologize the the impression the Catholic church may be giving, but believe me when I say, that is not representative of the majority of the Catholics I know.

  3. Hi John,

    Nice garden plot! Wish I had one! Cannot imagine it being too dry there.

    If you have ever been to my blog, you may have noticed that I pussy foot around subjects of religion and politics. In this case though, well, I don't see such a link as the Cardinal describes. It's utter nonsense! I've lived a small sheltered life, but even I can see that he spoke like an idiot. So wrong!

    I agree - sad, sad, sad...

    Jack n Jill

  4. Bel,
    As I understand the Church has "distanced" itself from the Cardinal's remarks but did so , on a day thay the research it undertook was published

    good point which I agree with what you said....I am not judging catholics for this unthinking comment, just the senior Church officcials....unfortunatley everyone will be tarnished by this statement....catholics, gay men and women and the Church itself....
    I can never quite understand why the Catholic church cannot quite get it's act together in the modern world.

    a small sheltered life.....I dont think so

  5. As a parent of a 10yr old daughter, I have never judged peoples life choices in being hetro/gay/bi, its the other things i weigh up, morals, integrity, courtesy, kindness and trust.

    I have a few friends that are gay/bi/lesbian and trust them all. Not because of their sexuality but because of who they are. Its d**kheads like Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone who very often are guilty of the offences they try to deflect.

  6. I had a long comment, but I back spaced the whole thing. Long, long story. I used to be a minister. If you really want to know, I'll tell you. But other than comment. I do have an opinion, but I'm not gonna argue with ignorance about it.

  7. it's an interesting debate....paedophiles can be gay or straight..there is no point stating otherwise! plain and simple
    I find it more worrying how large institutions such as the church cope with it

  8. ...linked homosexuality with paedophilia. Isn't that sad, going to such extremes to coverup. I do not believe in organzied religion, me and my GOD just hangout and have chats together at the barn while watching the animals.

  9. I have a good many reasons to find the catholic church distasteful, and that's one of them.

    On happier topics, the chickens and I have been planting gooseberry bushes today.

  10. how did they manage with the spade dan?

  11. randy,
    I would be interested where you stand on this subject

  12. Well, what Cardinal Bertone said might make good fertilizer for the garden, but, that's about all it's worth.

    Like Sharon, I've lead a very small and sheltered life, but one of the things that I hate the most is trying to deflect blame to a specific group of individuals. Problems should be fixed, not covered over or shifted somewhere else.

  13. nicely said louise......

    I have not got an axe to grind re any religion.......
    I just think it has to be progresive and open to all......

    having said all that...I do have a soft spot for nuns!!!
    who could forget Helen Reddy's guitar playing nun...looking after Linda Blair in AIRPORT 75!!!

  14. I was going to comment about the ignorant remark the Cardinal made, but decided not to.

    Ditto to what Joanna said. I do the same thing wether it be in the barn, or out in the pastures, or driving to town, etc...

    John, just want you to know I truly admire you. Hugs to ya'!


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes