On Line?

I couldn't get on line yesterday. Computer said an emphatic "NO!"
wasted an hour talking to a technical officer from the Indian subcontinent trying to solve the issue only to be told that the whole village had lost its connection to the world!
Feeling like a sad geek, I was rather bereft without my daily helping of blogdom.

I have been typing this diary without fail for four years now (internet crashes and the odd holiday apart)...and the ritual and discipline of sitting down with laptop and coffee is a daily joy

Having said this I am typing this entry at my sister's house before I take the trusty Berlingo in for it's second crack at an MOT....and Janet's A key does not work at all well......you try writing something without a soddin A in it......

Hopefully the diary of a man hurtling through a mid life country crisis will be back on line tomorrow!


  1. I don't know about you, but I've become an internet junkie! If I don't have my fix several times a day those around me better watch out, it gets ugly!! ;-)) Fortunately for all of us, it doesn't happen that often!! Hope everything gets resolved soon!

  2. John, it looks like the village is down. I got through to some technical bloke who said there is a fault in the area (70 mins on phone). But if they come out and investigate and its my telephone at fault they will charge £120 for the visit "B****rds". Guess im going to have to wait, at least ive got a 3g connection on laptop for time being.

  3. Mid-life crisis? Mine started so many decades ago that I hardly notice it any more...or is that a sign that I came out of the other end at last? Before you say it for me...I doubt it!

  4. I too would be having a personal crisis if my internet went down. We use a small local company, so no foreign countries are involved!!

    Infact our signal thingy is on top of the silo accross the field, rural or what!!

    Gill in Canada

  5. I'm another who has a fit if the computer goes down. I'm so used to being connected to the entire world via internet, that I feel unbearable isolated if I can't get on.

  6. Personally, I don't know anyone, that uses the internet in any way, that doesn't get in a blue funk when there is no service. They get downright ugly, myself included - and it happens to me a lot!

    I called one of my sons one night to see how they were doing and the whole family was upset - the cable was out, so no internet, and no tv. Tragedy!

    Too bad he doesn't remember when we lived at the log house!

  7. After a trip in my car to the local telephone exchange i found out it was a BT problem and about 60% of all connections where suffering. I hate dealing with large corporations.


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