It's a man thing

I have been putting off cleaning the turkey house for most of the is not the nicest of turkey poo seems to be more smelly and disgusting than any waste.
So I have cleaned the kitchen, prepared dinner and cleared the cottage paths before cleaning the bathroom floor of untidy piles of reading matter!
Now our bathroom is often filled with magazines, books and pamphlets...I think that generally that this is a man thing! Men generally read in the bathroom! (Chris whilst in the bath and me generally whilst sat on the loo!!) Our books are varied but generally in the bathroom the reading matter remains "lightish" in nature.....Homes and Antiques Magazines, Empire Film Magazines, an amusing collection of poems (by Pam Ayres- of all people), a history of the Sheffield cemetery (a wonderfully interesting little book!) oh and I have just found a history of the Indian Mutiny, a diary history written from the perspective of housewives during World War II and Patricia Cornwell's The Scarpetta Factor!.......oh and tucked behind the Period Homes magazines was an old copy of Hello!
yes all very cerebral


  1. John, you disappoint me.


  2. You have me beat. The only reading material in my bathroom is a copy of "The Little White Horse" by Elizabeth Goudge. It's one of the few of her's I haven't read, and I keep meaning to settle down and start reading it. How it ended up in the bathroom, I don't know, but, there it sits.

  3. ??????? The loo or washroom is for looing or washing. You wanna read, go to the library!

  4. I'm never in the bathroom long enough to read anything! My partner, on the other hand, could put a dent in a section of the library .

  5. The magazine rack in the bathroom, came with the place, I swear!

  6. Deffo a boy thing. Even GB (aged 3 1/2) takes a Thomas book with him for the long haul!!

  7. No reading material in either bathroom here. One of those phobia/ OCD things with me. But you will find lots of books throughout the rest of the house.
    A book on the cemetary huh? That would be very interesting. Would you be so kind as to post the title? xoxo

  8. Of all the mysterious things about men . . . this, above all, is the mysteriousest! To each, his own. . . just don't take MY book to your loo.

  9. Lol...I'm going to check and see what's in my bathroom when I get home.

  10. A Pam Ayres-esque ditty for you:

    Whilst sitting astride of the loo
    Reading’s what John Gray likes to do.
    He’s been greeted with scorn
    But at least it’s not porn:
    Home And Antiques, between me and you!

  11. stick to film reviews alex

  12. Actually.... our bathroom is referred to as the....."Library". I have to use the library, just sounds better than bathroom, loo, john, pot etc. and it means a person may be in there a while.

  13. As much as I love light reading, I don't loiter in the bathroom. In the office men's bathroom however, you start to wonder what in the world is going on in there!

  14. I rest my case!!
    men read on the bog! its official

  15. "Stick to film reviews ..."

    I believe that's what they told Wordsworth, John.

  16. You remind me that I used to have a good selection of quirky reading material in the downstairs loo, and since our bookshelves are always groaning, I think I will find a place in there for a few tomes. Perhaps a few of those blokey John Grisham novels..

  17. "I rest my case!!
    men read on the bog! its official"

    Its the only place for peace and quiet

  18. I am a man?


    Not last time I checked. But our whole HOUSE is book/magazine territory, not just the loo. Oddly enough, I am the bathroom librarian, NOT my husband. (He tends to read in bed.) Guess we are the exception that proves the rule?



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