Field Update

Halleh (centre) my only drake (and the only non runner duck) is still too full of hormones. He has paired off with the black female but as yet I have not seen any real mating behaviours. Unfortunately the main object of his affections have remained two of the smaller hens, Belle,a marran cross and Ripley an amber rock, and both hens have been harried constantly all day, every day!
Belle, has been somewhat broody and has been cornered on her nest several times today, so I have set her up in a spare rabbit hutch on her own clutch of eggs and have moved it into a safe nursery run.....well away from rapist ducks!

This afternoon I have weeded a little more of the back garden which is just about to burst into its best May colours. Give it 2 weeks and the aquilegia , hipericum and alliums will be blooming and the whole place will look like a typical cottage garden once more

At least three cocks by the look of things! The chicks in the shed are now feathering up quite nicely and are already being dominated by the typical long legged strutting swagger of three white cockerel babies (obvious Jesus' sons by the look of things!)..... I am hoping beyond all hope that I have 7 hens!

This is Kitty, one of the three bourbon female turkeys. Every day she has been breaking out of her enclosure down in the corner of the field to hole up in the hawthorn hedge to lay another egg. Stupid girl! She hates nettles and is getting stung badly every time she sits down to lay! The shaded "nest" I constructed for her in her little paddock has thoughtfully been ignored

As Kitty laid her egg from her nettle stung bum Bingley the Stag (another hormone filled performance here) courted the other females Jane and Lizzy.......
sex is definitely in the air


  1. What an interesting menagerie of critters you have.
    I really like you garden pic....keep them coming.

  2. oh your Turkey is so pretty!

    and yep my Herd Sire Harrison would so agree with you that sex is in the air... he has been pretty much out of control for weeks now. Haven't seen him like this for this long before...maybe its our extended cooler than usual Spring... I don't know.. but I know our Does are getting testy with him now, they are pretty much saying get a grip fellow! lol

  3. Oh John you have the same things going on at your place as mine! Broodiness, strutting and getting a quickie, eggs being laid in other places, hoping there are more hens than roosters, etc...
    Sitting here laughing as I type this.
    Your chicks have grown so much. And I wish for you that the rest are the hens you want!

  4. your garden is beautiful. I hope the "girls" aren't getting more action than yourself. :)

  5. I am too old to worry about spring!

  6. Your chicks have sure grown! I am hoping you have 7 hens as well!

    What kind of sex do your birds have that makes them so goofy? I mean... it must be fantastic, huh? You would think they would tire of it, now, wouldn't you?

  7. I enjoyed all of the photos, but oh my, Bingley is gorgeous!

  8. 'Tis the time of year! Drakes are VERY active here & the poor females are looking decidedly ragged poor things! I'm hoping I've got some lovely new females amongst my ducklings. I just love colouring of the bourbon turkeys. Gorgeous! Mind you the bronze look so pretty when sun catches their feathers.George is displaying well put I've not actually seen him tread Mildred yet. Phew! She's laying really well for me - pretty eggs. And at least she's laying in her hut not in nettles - ouch!!Your garden is going to look so good! I'm suffering cottage garden envy! Front garden = dug up by naughty Mabel dog every time I try I plant anything new! Back garden = still shredded by naughty bantams! Hey ho! Love n hugs, Sara xx

  9. am seriously thinking about having turkeys. . .do you keep them separate from the hens, or can they run in together?


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