2004th post!!!!

It's been a year and a half since Chris and I met up with Bev and mike and Maisie together and I have heard tonight that they are coming over to Wales for their first "family" visit which is such a treat!!
In this my 2004th blog entry! (can you believe that?----and I have only been blog counting since last April).......I will celebrate the fact that our oldest friends from Sheffield are jetting over the Pennines at last to see us!
We have not seen a great deal of old friends over here! Nigel is a regular visitor of course, Kathryn has called over and Nu and Nia have both made the effort (I know..... Jonney H you cannot stay given your allergy to all animals!!!)....but we have missed Mike and Bev......
Maisie will have the run of the field and will do what little girls from all over the world should do, and that is run amok with a dog in tow and a chicken under her arm....
it will be lovely to see them


  1. Well congrats on your 2004 post John!! What a beautiful family!! I love company too, and I know you'll have a wonderful time with them and spoiling sweet Maisie rotten!! :-))

    By the way, I was a bit surprised by your price of eggs--I thought our prices would be higher. In the stores for "medium/large sized" eggs, it's around $1.50 a dozen.
    The pup Digby in France was hanging on this morning--Its left everyone cautiously optimistic...

  2. Company, yeah! Oh, what a fun, such a nice looking family, how on earth are you going to let them take that darling little girl home? You know she is going to just hang on you and want to collect eggs and pull weeds (your flowers).

    Gee, I thought I was writing a lot of posts! Hee hee, 2,004 - in total awe!

  3. I can think of one child who would have run a mile at the thought of a dog at her heels and a chicken under her arm. Scarett O'Hara she may be on a good day - but never Tess of the D'Urbervilles.

    Like father like daughter, I guess!

  4. bel....
    I could NEVER see you with your arm around a chicken!

  5. We just don;t do wildlife. Well...

  6. Congrats on your 2004th post, amazing!
    Quail post up now, hope it helps.

  7. Good Morning Beautiful Stranger,

    Happy 2004, I guess you have a bit left to say with all us nippy curs hanging about your ankles.

    Blog on my friend,

    BlOG ON!

  8. Congrats John on the 2004th!!! Have a grand time with your company.

  9. Congrats on your 2004th post.
    Maisie is adorable. And her hair! Lovely.
    Hope you will take pics of her running around with all the critters.
    Have fun with your company.

  10. Hey, we'd be there more often if it wasn't for the 12,000 miles between us! Gotta love those duck eggs......uuummm! x


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