
Received some news today which pissed me off big style.....can't go into it as yet, it is not the right forum, but I do need to clarify some things next week......then I will be in a position to discuss more.....

The whole thing has put a cloud on the entire day.....

so much so, that I have eaten my chocolate bunny 24 hours early


  1. On a forum that I have participated in for years, when we are sending good thoughts to someone, we say that we're "jingling our curb chains for you," shortened to just the word jingles. These jingles have remarkable power. So, I am jingling for a positive resolution to your problem.

    You can always get more chocolate bunnies on sale, on Monday.

  2. I hope the chocolate bunnies made you feel better.

  3. Poor bunny sacrifice. LOL

    I just ate some chocolate, wonder who I am angry at.

    Happy Easter

  4. and about the guinea's - they are great bug eaters.

  5. Sorry, John, to read that life stomped on you today.

  6. sometimes a ball comes out of left field

  7. OH yes, I know about those blind siders. (*Someone* smashed Pat's car window last week. Nothing stolen. Just plain cowardly,meaness. We have a suspicion,but no proof.Costly nastiness.) I'm trying to forget about it. It's done,but still not right. Ah well.I've tried not to react to it. As my dear old pal, Chuck used to say,"Don't react.Amoebas react.That's what they want you to do." I hope your "thing" gets smoothed out and doesn't stress you out or cause you to react!

    Happy Easter. Eat another bunny.

  8. Oh John, I'm so very sorry that you had a dark cloud on your day!! My advice is to eat 2 more chocolate bunnies at bed-time and tell us all about it in the morning--We're here...

  9. Manure Occureth...

    Enjoy the bunny, and know we are here for you.


  10. My advice is to always have a chocolate hoard. Glad you had the bunny handy. Take good care of yourself. Hope things are better now.

  11. thoughts are for your happiness. . . peace

  12. I hate black clouds hanging over our heads. last week I ate my neices and nephews eggs (which I have replaced lol) and all the chocolate I needed to bake cakes and cookies with.
    And I must say it did make me feel a tad better.


  13. A Happy Easter to you regardless. Sending positive vibes your way...

    Gill in Canada

  14. Oh John, sorry to hear you have a dark cloud over you. :( Those damned clouds really do a number on our mental states. Go get yourself another bunny, enjoy each bite, and know that you have all of us to lean on.

  15. Bro,
    Chocolate? where is Geoff with the wine

    Ann x


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