White Out

The village has come to a complete standstill and looks deserted . The usually busy A road through the village is quiet and still, except for a farm tractor which looked as though it was transporting people up the hill to the school from Dyserth, the next village (below pic),

A smattering of hens had marooned themselves in the shelter of a few gravestones in the Churchyard and in arm fulls of ones and twos, I have just transferred them all down back into their hen houses.


  1. Snow is bad in Trelawnyd, Christine is stuck in Bodellwyddan and has been for 3 hours so far, so dont think your working tonight John

  2. It doesn't seem like that much snow to me...How deep is it? Do you not usually get snow? Isn't the highway department not prepared for snow? So many questions. Sorry.

    In Phoenix now...66F/19C...no snow here and I miss it. Phooey.

  3. cassie,
    the UK stops instantly when snow arrives!
    it's a British tradition!!!!!!!!!!!!


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