Kirsty Young: a voice of reason

Chris has been snowed in, and is spending the night at my sister's house down the hill in Prestatyn.
I have shelved his home made meatballs in the fridge (a tasty tea, you will have to admit!) and now am settling down for a spot of Internet news reading!
I love Kirsty Young. With a voice like Scottish treacle and an insightful mind and knack for the right question, she is a breath of fresh air on BBC's Desert Island discs

Today I read with interest (thanks Nige), her thoughts on the recent trend for "pushy parents" and their constant need to develop their tots into what is being termed "baby Einsteins!"
Recently Young visited a nursery . The three year olds there were being encouraged to take part in what was being termed "improvement exercises",which I suspect were basic IQ lessons. Reacting to what she saw, Kirsty wryly commented
'If my child's not coming home covered in snot and poster paint, it's been a bad day at nursery.' and you know what, she's perfectly right!
Why can't children be left alone to be children nowadays? Needy, high achieving parents, are competing with each other to be the best they can be and there seems to be an increasing hysteria to treat their children as aspirational objects rather than normal kids with dirty faces and silly, I am told, are now attending yoga classes,ballet,gym,after school lessons, extra tuition and socialization groups ! Primary school kids have what only can be termed "group therapy" sessions, to vent their feelings and concerns whist tiny kids are expected to be part of school forums policy making!
Sure develop your kids with love, support, interest and the occasional after school club! Spend time reading with them and playing sports...but for God's sake treat them like the kiddies that they are, and not potential little brain boxes in need of constant development.


  1. I just KNEW you'd read this!

    Yes, it's certainly getting ridiculous; even worse perhaps are the judgments made of (usually) working-class parents by (usually) middle-class parents who don't conform to this "new" type of childhood.

    Most worrying is, as you note, the "pseudo-therapy" of the primary school classroom. Don't get me started on the practice of "circle time"...sorry, but "self awareness" and "reflection" -which, I have been assured by a parent and a teacher, is what this is about - is not part of being seven years of age. This sort of "plastic therapy" is near-tantamount to abuse.

    Oh happy day. Nx

    PS. We have FAR more snow than you, but an easier topography I guess.

  2. drifting to a foot or so at the moment, but yes, the steep hills and bad drivers have closed all the roads!!!
    tee hee

  3. I couldn't agree more. I took classes in high school that were only college classes when my parents were that age. Now, those same classes are being offered to children finishing elementary school! Insanity, I tell you! After school activities for me were playing capture the flag with my friends in the woods or throwing dirt clogs at each other in the field! E=MC square heads!

  4. Yes! I took my kids out of school and home schooled them. They were in 4H because they liked it. There is too much pressure on children.
    Hope the snow and cold is not too bad for you and the animals. Take care!

  5. John you HAVE to give this website a look:

    Now I know what to give you for your next birthday!! x-c

  6. Brilliant post! Agree


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