
My Brother is on holiday in Florida and has done the indulgent thing and got himself a long awaited tattoo¬! He's looking more brave about it all than I would be
They have just sent me this photo (as it happens) by phone....isn't technology great?..


  1. I guess the good thing about waiting to get a tat til when one is older is that it won't be all faded and wrinkly like on some old sailor's bicep! (Not that I know as I'm inkless and intend to stay that way!!)
    x-cassie (using the dog's blog)

  2. what in the world is the fascination of getting adorned with permanent green ink on your body?

  3. I like tatoo's but would never have one, whats he had done.

  4. Since you said he's in Florida, I hope it's not a tattoo of Mickey Mouse--It isn't, is it? ;-)))

  5. I wonder if he will send you a picture of the finished tatoo to post? Hope they have a great time on vacation!

  6. Sympathise with your animal struggles - it's blimmin' hard work keeping them warm, fed & watered when you're snowed in!Worried about one of young roosters as he's struggling bit in this weather. Here's hoping all our critters pull through OK. xx
    BTW I have 3 tattoos, all black celtic style ones.;-)

  7. I am not a lover of tattoos but my brother is reinventing himself, so a sneaky heavy rocker one will suit just fine!!!
    try the rooster with some meaty dogfood at bedtime...give him a boost!!!

  8. Dearest Bro, our family rebel is back and I like it, lets all us siblings have tattoo's to match and support Andrews charity. Chris can join us too.

    Much love Ann x

  9. I'll have one too, come on Chris I can get discount for a party of five

  10. Anonymous8:14 pm

    count me in!should get a decent sized tat on my bum might even improve my street cred!luv jan xx

  11. Anonymous8:14 pm

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  12. my family are all turning into born again wild things!!!

  13. What would you all have tatoo's of


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