Isn't everyone just a little bizarre?

I have a theory that when were are alone, all of us can be, well, just a little odd!
Now I am not speaking "serial killer" here, I am actually referring to those private little moments of "madness" we all indulge in from time to time.
Today was a case in point.
I took all four dogs out for their walk this morning and for a change I walked them down the snow filled bridlepath called Gypsy lane. The sides of the path are screened by trees and hedges and I had walked well over a mile before I had to stop in order for George to get his head out of a large rabbit hole.
As I stood waiting I looked into the hedge and there balanced neatly in the Ivy on a tree was a glowing ten pence piece!..
Weird? well yes it was, because in actual fact I was me that placed the coin in the tree way back in 2006.
Gawd knows just why I had done it. I remember finding a coin in my pocket, and I remember thinking It would be a grand Idea to secrete it on a tree but on reflection I cannot, for the life of me, remember my actual motivation for doing so!
I mean, why on earth,does a middle aged man, go out of his way to jam a ten pence piece in a tree?
Does anyone else do similar bizarre things?
answers on a postcard....


  1. Bring it to the pub with you

  2. yeah well, whatever, I've got to get back to writing my blog about becoming a gunfighter.

  3. At least you can remember putting it there!! I've already sent in my "Post-Secret" and will just say that there's a reason why it's best that I'm out in the country with no neighbors!

  4. I'm completely cuckoo...!

  5. It's these kind of eccentricities that make life worthwhile, and the telling of them.

  6. Oh, how neat, you get to go to a pub! We don't have pubs. Phooey! I rake paths in the woods. How strange is that... We all have our idiosyncrasies. Thank goodness!

  7. Quoting one of my favourite bizarre movies: "Cutting off her nipples with garden shears! You call that normal?"

    But then, you know how normal I tend to be.

  8. was that butterfield 8????

  9. Think you know by now that I'm as Mad as a Hatter! Hope it's a lucky ten pence xx

  10. very, very interesting....even more interesting that you found it again......

    Gill in Canada

  11. Oh no, I'm PERFECTLY normal!! Who I'm concerned about is Joanna@BooneDocks. WHAAahahahahahha!

    ...yeah, that's normal...

    I'll do a post on my eccentricities just before I see the Angel of Death heading my way...that way you can say I was just a bit out of my mind from the fever.

  12. Reflections in a Golden Eye


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