Lizzy,Jane and Kitty

The four turkey poults seem to be doing ok in the adverse weather, and all six turkeys have survived their brush with the dreaded "Blackhead" which is something of a miracle. Boris is accepting all of the youngsters including the one slate poult stag who remains rather shy, and I am hoping that the three brown females will provide him with a good natured breeding group.
The girls are robust, friendly and well used to being handled, and with the deep dark eyes so typical of the adult, they are, to me,quite beautiful. I have named them Lizzy,Jane and Kitty.
The young male will be "swapped" for a garden shed, by a guy from the village who has a lone female!
The sky is pale and almost translucent today, and already this afternoon it has started to snow, albeit very gently. We are all getting sick of the snow here, one neighbour, Ann, fell in the lane the day before yesterday and badly broke her arm. I took some eggs up to her yesterday...thought It was more useful than a get well card!
Off now to feed the pigs and to put the turkeys in, I have left Chris sitting on the couch wearing his scarf watching Went the Day Well? (1942)


  1. I'm starting to get a terrible case of cabin fever, for days been too cold to just walk around outside.

    Love seeing the turkeys!

  2. I think the girls are beautiful too! I'm sure they are very sweet ladies after being in your care. :0)
    PS> Mr Dorking is such a poorly chap - he's got real nasty cold. Eating & drinking though so hoping he will pull through. He's indoors being spoilt rotten. Will get him some antibiotics in the morning.

  3. We saw some wild turkeys when we were out today. I haven't seen any around our property in a while though.

    Great photo.......

    Gill in Canada

  4. Good to hear the turkeys are doing well. Nice names for the girls. I'm sure Ann appreciated your visit and the gift of fresh eggs. Hope your snowy days will soon give way to sunshine and warmth.


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