Life IS a movie

Bel-Ami was right when he likened the struggle for life here on my little field as something from a Lillian Gish movie.........ok my animals have not bounced across an ice covered river in their stocking feet, but the last few days have been rather dramatic for a few of the more junior members of the animal population, that is to be sure.
This morning, I walked out into the sunshine with a heavy heart as not one of the guinea fowl could be seen waiting by the hen houses for their morning's ration of corn. I fed and watered the pigs and then called out in the churchyard for Hughie and there was still nothing!
So I as I started to open the first of the hen houses, Rogo the cockerel inside let rip with a lusty crow, and suddenly I heard a familiar chatter from the field wall and there stood Hughie, calling out excitedly with the two surviving junior guinea fowl (who I have now named Ivy and Alf -after my great uncle and Aunt) in tow behind him.
It was just like the end of Lassie come Home!,and all that was needed to complete the scene was some soaring violin strings and a box of Kleenex.
Mr Bel Ami, you ARE right sometimes......"life IS a movie"
ps All guinea fowl are safely up in the tree this evening! (jazz hands!!!!)


  1. Aww ... though you had me worried for a minute there John! Great news; a warm and fuzzy way to start the day.

  2. Crikey John I read that post with bated breath.....Thew.

    Good old hughie.

  3. happiness is . . .

    found a blog you might like


  4. I was holding my breath the entire time I was reading your post ~ Whew!!! What good news to start the day!!!

  5. If I didn't already feel bad about you losing your guineas I'd say that sounded incredibly gay. I'm glad Hughie and the two are okay. Here's to hoping they stay that way.

  6. ...thanks Randy!
    good job I am gay! But I conceed that I like a dramatic story!

  7. Hope everyone stays safe after all your efforts. Love the photo of all the dogs on the bed. That used to be me, only with a bunch of dobermans who used to push me out of bed. Warm yes, but no room.

  8. LOL @ "jazz hands!!" :-)


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