Hard Work

Now as readers of this blog will know, I will never complain about the work I choose to do on the allotment and field, but I must admit this morning has been a bit of a slog. After night duty and -11 degrees of real frost, every water container on the field was frozen solid,like cement.
Each coop water feeder had to have warm water bucketed over from the cottage to fill it, and it took an absolute age to complete all the work effectively.
The younger hens are not doing well in the icy weather. At roosting time, they often seem disorientated by the snow and ice, and I have had to check the churchyard and field borders, where they have been found sat forlornly in the shelter of wall and gravestone. not making the effort to walk back to their huts across the cold snow.
Last night I found eight hens in this state and managed the ferry them all to a coop safely before nightfall. The buff girls are especially prone to this sort of apathy, but at least allow themselves to be caught and carried without murmur or protest.
Anyhow enough of the snow and enough of hens.... Off to the cinema with Hazel later, think we are going to rough it with the new Streep film It's Complicated


  1. My central heating (1 year old, serviced 2 weeks ago) has broken down. No heating or hot water!

    VERY rude woman at British Gas (who I have a pricey service contract with, incidentally). No engineer available until next Thursday. I understand they are busy, and that I have to wait - fair enough - but after waiting on hold for almost an hour (fortunately a freephone number) her rudeness was unacceptable. What really annoyed me was her "is there anything else I can help you with today" comment at the end of the call, delivered with a scripted, couldn't-care-less attitude. Bet she's got an NVQ in "customer service".

    I'll wait to have it fixed, then will end my contract with them AND write an "addressee only" letter to her manager.

    Hey ho, not angry, just annoyed with her filthy, shameless attitude. Off to the shops to buy a heater...minus 15 here last night, over a foot of snow on the ground!


  2. And we think we've got it bad, this girl showed a real commitment to her job (second paragraph down, "In Durham...")

    Link here

    I've walked 5 miles or so in the past to get to work...far enough. Nx

  3. We didn't get snow. In fact, It was the warmest morning we had in a week (37 degrees F) We did get rain over night, and a sprinkling this a.m. Will be cold this weekend, but no precip. I just want warm weather back. As long as the birds are okay, I guess. Perhaps your snow will pass soon. I have no intentions of seeing "It's Complicated"! lol

  4. nige

  5. Randy,
    our cold snap is here to stay for awhile....

    everyone willend up eating each other!!!

  6. Don't think I'd a done that walking that Nidel was refering to. That lady is a nut. Do Britian usually get snow like this? I had to ask whatever happened to global warming? Brrr!

  7. We had a cold snap, it was down to around 20F here, and I have sympathy for you!

    I had to bring in the waterers each morning, they would freeze shut on me, I am quite sure if we had company on one of those days, people would have wondered about my mental state, having watering tanks lined up in the kitchen!

    Hoping you get warmth soon, hauling water is one of the less fun jobs of animal care.

    Have a great one,

  8. I had an old gal (chicken hen) to die the other night, we think she froze to death in the coop, otherwise, everybody else is holding up well.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Give me snow and lots of it, its an element of nature that should be embraced as with global warming and all that, it will soon be gone.

    Its a bugger to navigate, keep warm and cut the grass but everyone praises the pretty pics when they are posted. Friends in Swansea said its the first time their children had seen real snow, how sad is that.

    Sorry guess im a freak

  11. please sprinkle paprika or any capsicum on your bird's feed, it will help keep them warm and a little sugar in the water will give them pep and help keep the water from freezing - now you know what us canadians put up with, hope things get better for you all, even Nigel, soon - peace

  12. @Rural Rose: thanks for that. Being a non car-dependent person, things aren't too bad here at all for me. I live at the edge of a city, gently nudged up against the North Pennine hills. I can walk the five miles to work, if necessary, although I’m meant to be working in another city next week.

    There are lots of folk more deeply affected: small farming communities in Derbyshire and Cumbria (which city folk, and national politicians, always seem to forget about), plus those folks who need to commute across the hills to their workplaces in places like Leeds, Liverpool and beyond. The distances are nothing compared to Canada, of course; our problems are a feature of a textured topography and historical (post WW2) under-investment in public transport and civil works.

    Overseas readers must find the response of the UK to the 'bad weather' slightly amusing. The British generally like to believe that they are re-enacting a near-mythical "war time spirit", and it's an important part of their culture to retain this belief. But sometimes, as with all such things, these stories sometimes exist to represent what is threatened or what has long been lost, and not what is still present. There are always exceptions, of course.

    Hey ho. I'm off to the shops in a moment, and will do a spot of hand-washed laundry later. If I wasn't so overwhelmed with my normal work at the moment, I might have actually found time to enjoy all of this...

    Take care,


  13. Nige, there is a bit of Gracie Fields in you, you know....I always knew deep down that you loved a crisis


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