Thanks Cassie

Now I do not suffer from black moods and despondency.Sure I have down day like everyone else, but generally I am spared the artistic mood swings that Chris sometimes suffers from when he is at full stretch with his academic work.
I did, however feel a bit flat today. It is the time of year that money is tight. The Berlingto is due its MOT, and its car tax; the vet's bills keep on coming; William is due his next haircut and the credit cards need paying!
So, I was thrilled to receive a package from a rather irate new postman this afternoon. I should have re phrased that, the package was actually from Cassie (and not the postman!) and was filled with a selection of little Christmas gifts!
Thank you Cassie and Patrick, it was such a thoughtful and kind thing to do, and I am most grateful to receive them all (especially the Geeky rooster t shirt!)


  1. Oh goody, the package arrived intact! Had to repack a new box because I had originally forgotten the t-shirt. Glad it helped to brighten the day.

    The Santa's Pipe candle is my favorite smell & the candies are my favorite sweet taste!Both from relatively local businesses(when we are in N.Idaho).

  2. Nothing like a package to brighten any day!! I love the shirt!! :-)

  3. From Idaho? NO potatoes?! LOL

  4. Feeling the pinch here too :-( Hey ho! Onwards & upwards as they say... xx

  5. I seem to remember Jean Arthur singing a song about Idaho in one of my favourite films, A Foreign Affair - favourite not because of Jean's song (which is fun) but because of the glorious Marlene Dietrich at her indestructible best, singing a song called The Ruins of Berlin.


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