
Chris has gone to London for a couple of days, which may not be a bad thing as he is finding it incredibly difficult to cope with every day home "irritations" when withdrawing from the dreaded nicotine drug!
His battle with cigarettes is an ongoing one and is one that is complicated by intermittent fags (to my American reader Fag in the UK is a cigarette!!!) and intermittent nicotine patches!Subsequently he has rushes of cravings and surges of temper, which doesn't make for harmonious living for him AND for me.
I wish I could help him give up the dreaded weed for good, but I can't, suffice to say, I think I had better keep schtum........and perhaps agree to him buying a pipe!


  1. thank you for the fag explanation.

    for your gray-headed, older fans, wish you would use a larger font and upload your graphics larger. I can't read the cartoon, I see it's something about a turkey.

  2. LOL @ Joanna! Get him! Sorry to Chris. I'm in the same boat. I "quit" last May with my mom. She's not had one, but I've been sneaking them. I'm trying to re-quit as of the new year. Not a resolution. Either I will or I won't. I'm trying! But I sure could use one right now.

  3. Oh, my, yes, getting to be around someone going off ciggies can be... a challenge. Be extra nice and have chewing gum handy???


  4. Anonymous8:39 am

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