Feed The Birds - don't I just!

With the cold weather continuing I seem to be going through bags of corn like there is no tomorrow, and this morning I realised that I seem to supporting the large population of wild birds as well as all of my charges.
Long lines of blackbirds, a jay, thrush,a couple of phesants and a huge gaggle of field sparrows are all surviving the winter as a direct result of the poultry feed.
What can you do?
I am working this evening and Chris is still away in London,so I want to get the jobs completed early. Poor Susan, remains gravely ill in the shed. She is now off her feet, so I have made her a comfortable nest out of straw, so that she can die in peace iand in warmth

1 comment:

  1. Me too, I bought one of the last bags of peanuts in tesco today,obviously everyone else is feeling sorry for them as well. Keep up the good work!


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