
One of those soldiers killed by an Afghan police officer on Tuesday was Corporal Nicholas Webster-Smith a twenty four year old Welshman. So far 230 young men have lost their lives fighting in a war that the Government has to justify away by quoting yet another reason.....personally, I have lost track of just why they are there...all I do know that like Millions of Brits I support the soldiers till the end, I just cannot find anything in me to support the war.


  1. I thought our President Obama was going to get us all out of this mess but... I know, I dearly love our soldiers so much that I want to save them for defending our borders.

  2. I'd like to respond to that, but it will have to be in an e-mail. And it will have to wait till I get back from Fort Bragg. For whatever reason we got into the war 9-11-01 was the starter of it all, it's a lot more complicated than most people realize. Being in Iraq and Afghanistan is quite messy, but getting out would be just as messy. I'll say more next week.

  3. words that had to be said John . . . as always, peace for all


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