
The weather has been truly horrendous today. Heavy driving drain has lashed the village for hours and the field has become a quagmire. You cannot judge the heaviness of the rain in the above photo, but suffice to say that usually you can see most of the 83 animals inhabiting the field from this angle and in the photo not even the ducks can be seen!
Every animal had found a small dry corner in which to shelter.

I was hoping to start digging pig manure into the allotment beds today, but of course that was impossible so I have made a chorizo pasta sauce for tea, an apple pie and have properly cleaned the cottage from top to bottom.
However the dogs still needed to be walked twice today and eggs still needed to be delivered, so I have been soaked at least half a dozen times before chest is still wheezy and tight following my cold two weeks ago and I have noticed that this bronchitis has been getting worse over that last year or so.....I have an awful worry that I may be actually allergic to feathers- which is a bit of a bummer for someone with 76 birds!,,,,or is it just a case of getting older?
Speaking of birds (when DON'T I?---I am such a sad poultry geek! ) One of the turkey poults, the smallest bronze, is looking a little "droopy" today. Turkey chicks can succumb to illness out of the blue, so I have treated all of the chicks with some spare antibiotic and will ask the vet's advice tomorrow when I call up to collect a stitch cutter....(Albert's sutures need removing!)

This is my you can see I am not BIG into flashy gadgets (I take as good care of my phone as I take pride in my appearance!) The back is kept in place by some brown tape and you can make out William's teeth marks all over the keyboard.....I was in the post office this morning and was texting a good luck message to Nu for a job interview, when I caught sight of a farmer eyeing up the wreck of the phone with a mild expression of surprise.....I look like such a dork sometimes!!
tee hee


  1. Turkey poults are so difficult to get to maturity. We had 4 to hatch and only 1 survived. I was told to raise them on wire and not on earth, mine were on earth.

    FYI in mature turkeys, if they ever have that droopy appearance, drop a tablet of Fish Zole down their throats. A tip our breeder told us about and it works.
    It may help with the young ones too but never tried it on them.

    Yes, on the time change, we FALL back and SPRING forward. I'd like to stay on daylight savings time myself.

    Hope your land and your lungs dry up.

  2. thanks for the info joanna.....
    I think he may be a bit cold , so I have turned on their heat lamp overnight...November is a bit of a silly time raising turkeys I know


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