Withdrawl symptoms

I am having withdrawl symptoms for New York! It is exactly two years since we last visited the big apple, at least a year longer than we are used to, and I am feeling quite depressed at the thought of it all. Of course way back in the spring we had a lovely break in San Fransisco and last year's holiday was a relaxing Spanish chill out break in Sitges, but almost a decade ago it became a sort of tradition for us to go to New York annually!
We always stay somewhere in Midtown....a stone's throw from the perfect eggs Benedict at Pershing Square and Clam chowder at Grand Central's Oyster Bar!
Days are filled with museums, shopping, central park and trips up the Rockefeller centre
Even in the rain the city always has the ability to impress.... and on our last visit we had a lovely time at the New York Met where we experienced Chris' favourite Opera The Magic Flute!
Tomorrow, we are going to have a New York (ish) kind of evening! which will go some of the way to quench my withdrawls.....we are going to the Prestatyn Scala to watch a live satellite performance of Turandot from the Met .
Ok, we will miss sitting underneath those fantastic starburst swarovski chandeliers after sipping cocktails at Harry's Bar and we know we can't buy a great coffee and bagel at the bottom of the high street......but hey, watching it all on the big screen is the next best thing!

ps..We took Albert's sutures out of his leg tonight! typically he lay there boxing our hands playfully when they were removed...


  1. In NYC, Mike and I and our two dogs stayed at the Crowne Plaza Times Square Hotel. We love walking the dogs in Central Park.

    In July '08, we were in San Francisco for a family reunion, my mother has passed by she originally was from SanFran.

    We've got so many animals, it's difficult to vacation and enjoy ourselves, always worrying about the critters.


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