
It has been a horrid night shift.....thanks primarily to some destructive sniping from a certain member of staff to another......by 2am I was just about to soundly smack some bottoms, but by good fortune (?) I received a ventilated patient from theatre, so subsequently was hidden away in a busy corner for the remainder of the shift.
It was lovely to get home early this morning, where the first proper freezing fog and frost of the winter wiped away the constant alarming, bleeps and chimes of intensive care
This morning, as usual, Hughie stood sentry on Rogo's ark, waiting for the cockerel to be let out (below pic- you can just make him out beyond the red feeder!) His loyalty to another breed of bird constantly touches me, and strangely the "partnership" seems to be a mutual thing, as when Rogo bounced out followed by his small knot of hens, he galloped over to the guinea fowl, and immediately fell into step with him........
Lots of catch up jobs to do today, all the coops need clearing out and warm sawdust needs laying down.....I need to get some bales of straw for the pigs too.....they hate to be cold


  1. It's getting dark so I have to take your blog to read at home. Not sure where Stephen lived in Liverpool. He went to school at an art school. St. Annes I think. Ring a bell? I don't know that much about his life over there, but do know his best friend's name was Steve Smithwick.

  2. great pictures, can feel the "magic in the air" by looking at them, i worked nights for a decade and the best part was being off to see this time of day - i see that interspecies friendship here too, most recently between puppies and piglets, most delightful - peace

  3. Brrrr. It does look cold. You take very good care of your animals. Everything looks lovely in the misty morning.


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