Pig Sex, Catching up with Scarpetta and Turkey baby updates

Nora escaped again this afternoon. The torrential rain has turned the pig enclosure into a mud filled swamp, and no doubt encouraged by the sight of a full poultry feed hopper in the chicken enclosure, she literally slid under her fencing as the liquid mud shifted!
Now Nora is still in season, which means when she is "pushed" or "prodded", especially from behind (ahem!!!) her brain tells her that she is having sex, so she enters a kind of stupor, a typical event in mature sows!
When the stupor occurs, Nora will stand stock still, with little piggy eyes all glazed over with some sort of piggy expectation!, and there is nothing anyone can do to shift her not for up to half an hour or so!...so, foolishly when I caught her with her snout deep in the chicken food I slapped her hard on the rump!
She immediately raised her head in mild surprise then reacted to the bottom whack by entering her sex state! and I was left with a very still, very heavy and very useless pig.

It was getting dark, and in her state I couldn't move her at all, not even a millimetre,so out of devilment I took both of our photos,as I waited for her to come "round!"----well I found it funny
I could have done without any chores today, let alone the drama of pig movement! I still have (hummm how shall I put this?)......erratic bowels, and a low grade temperature...so I suspect I may have the dreaded swine flu.....who knows.....all I really wanted to do was to curl up in front of the fire with the latest Patricia Cornwell
But of course I couldn't do that and spent over an hour instead lying in the cold shed encouraging one of the baby turkeys to eat! The little runt (you can just see him bowed and unhappy in the centre of the photo below) is lighter and thinner than the rest of the brood and despite antibiotics and tonics remains rather ill. He will peck at food however if I hold chick crumbs out in my hand (this is how I taught the chicks to eat soon after they were hatched) In this labour intensive kind of way, at least I got him to eat an adequate amount.


  1. oh, I read the pig story and showed the photo to Mike, we just howled, thanks for the laugh.

    Sure hope you don't have swine flu. Doctors are not administering the vaccine here to middled-folks unless they have certain health risks.

    From your blog the other day, sounds like you work in the medical field? I'm still getting caught up.

  2. This is taking anthropomorphism TOO far! Nx

  3. I loved the photo of you and Nora. I too have made the mistake of pushing on the backside of a sow in heat when I wanted to move her so I had to laugh at your story.When do you plan to have Nora bred and consequently farrow her? In our area in Wyoming USA most farrow in January or February and then again in the summer.

  4. It's a great photograph you make a charming couple. Poor little turkey, sad to see something so young so poorly. Hope you bothe get better soon.

  5. is this the little one who died today? can't believe i missed this post, so funny and the picture is priceless! are you still feeling ill?

    here is the link for a blog you might like:



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