Rememberence Sunday

The village War Memorial in the centre of the village,does sport a rather sad looking wreath of poppies today on this remembrance Sunday.
I have never really read the inscription on the Celtic cross, and what I did make out was a little indistinct, but it looked like 5 local men had lost their lives in the Great War.
The grey drab stone and design looks dreadfully depressing in today's damp dark day.

I am working nights tonight and have been suffering from what I deduce as a rogue prawn from Friday's stir fry!...what with my bronchitic cough, residual runny nose, painful knee joint and somersaulting bowels.....I remain a bit or a wreck!....Mind you at least I have read the whole of my Empire magazine when sat albeit intermittently, as it where on the throne!!!
Caught up with some phone calls as Chris cooked one of his famous "roasts", I had to titter to myself when I ambled an hour away with Nigel discussing of all things clothes sense!
"I couldn't be like you" (and I am paraphrasing Nige here) " you just get up and wear whatever you find on the floor!"
hey ho!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel better soon.

    My wardrobe is certainly nothing fancy.


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