Hughie the gay guinea fowl

This afternoon has been set aside in order to dismantle more of the collapsed Church wall. The piles of rubble ( one face stones the other smaller stones and scree) have been steadily growing all week, and today the hens accompanied by the ubiquitous Hughie have taken over the mounds in search of insects and bugs.
Hughie is such a sweet little chap. Unlike any of the hens, who are pretty peripatetic in their liaisons and behaviour, Hughie is constantly in need to be a only one step behind his hero Rogo.
Wherever the big red cockerel goes the funny little bird with a big voice and a somewhat bemused and shocked expression is surely only inches away, and their "friendship" has been the subject of much comment and amusement by visitors to the Churchyard. "I have never seen a gay bird before", one old chap commented cheerfully as the pair trotted past ...........try going to a Joan Armatrading concert I felt like saying
The guinea fowl is still incredibly nervous of strangers, and if anyone new arrives within 100 yards his machine gun call echoes time and time again around what seems like the whole village.....I have been winning him over ever-so-slowly with handfuls of corn and the odd piece of bread, but he as yet, only allows me to come within six feet or so before legging it behind his hero Rogo
Tonight I called up to give my sister in law, Jayne her birthday gifts Happy Birthday!!!!...... I left Chris complaining about the curry I cooked for him for tea! (I had put vegetables in it!.....unforgivable!!!)


  1. you know you got it goin' on here, i seem to get a lesbian turkey hen every year too, diversity is the spice of life - thanks for the story, peace for all

  2. Ahhh hughie sounds like a real little character.


  3. I refuse to believe in the concept of homosexual poultry!

  4. now know the story would be a different one if Hughie had a female mate and just had a close friendship with Rogo!!!x


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