Albert update & Frozen River

Finally Hazel and I caught up with a cracking little film at Theatre Clwyd this evening. Frozen River (2008) is a taut and finely observed story of Ray Eddy ( Melissa Leo) a trailer trash mom, who has fallen on hard times when her Indian husband runs off with the family' life savings. By several twists of fate she falls in with a disgraced Indian girl called Lila ( Misty Upham) and becomes involved in illegally trafficking immigrants over the US border before both women redeem themselves by finally "doing the right thing"
Leo is quite, quite stunning as the worn out but still battling mother and attacks her role with a braveness which is at times quite heartbreaking. Tattoo covered ,saggy chested and with nicotine stained skin, Melissa Leo's unlikely hero is every bit as tough as cinematic fighting mothers such as Gena Rowlands' famous tough cookie in Gloria (1980) or Sigourney Weaver's Ripley in Aliens (1986),
she brings a dignity and a spirit to the role which gives this gritty and at times depressing film, real heart. She is bound to be oscar nominated, I am sure of it.
8.5 out of 10!
When I got home, Poor Albert was waiting to go out of the now barricaded kitchen cat flap. With his back leg stiffly held out, I doubt anyway he could actually fit through it, but I am not about to give the little chap freedom of the lane at night. Being jet black, running on three legs, and unable to jump, means that he could lose all 7 of his remaining lives in one night, so he has been grounded.........and he is not happy!!!


  1. I saw frozen River last week and I loved it too, the bit about the baby, fantastic x

  2. Frozen River sounds good, rarely do we seek out movies.

    Poor Albert.

    Still looking for Boris!

  3. David,
    yes, the film's message consantly mirrored the bonds and strengths exhibited by mothers for their chilren....

    dispite being a "thriller" the film was infact a celebration of motherhood!


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