Churchill in the Churchyard

Sometimes I come into contact with visitors to the New Graveyard.
More often than not, the contact is confined to a brief wave or hello, but occasionally a conversation develops, more often than not as a result of some animal performing something interesting.
Today an elderly chap limped over to where I was dismantling some more of the Church wall. He was fascinated in the relationship between Rogo and the nervous Hughie (pic) and wanted to know all about the pair.

I haven't seen him before, and asked him if he was from the village. He said he used to be , but had moved in with his daughter in nearby Rhuddlan when his wife died a few years ago. We chatted about this and that, and I couldn't help noticing that he was awfully sad even melancholic and almost in answer to my thoughts he said that he missed living in Trelawnyd as he found life in the bigger village isolating and lonely.

"Being alone is hell...." he stated sadly....."But do you know what Churchill said about being in hell don't you?"

I shook my head...

"He said if you are going through hell all you can do is keep on going!!!.....and that's what I do...I just keep on going", and with that he gave me a little wave and ambled off...


  1. you've got quite an assortment of critters. Want more pics of Boris!

  2. You brightened the fellows day by listening and talking about Rogo and Hughie. "Just keep on going," is good advice. Hope Albert is doing better.

  3. Ahh poor old soul, thats brought a tear to my eye.

  4. Sometimes the thought of being old scares me, when most of your friends and family have already pasted. My grand mother lived to a 100 and by then she used to say it was her time to go. She said she felt left behind and lonely because everyone she grew up with was gone.


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